Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Final Countdown // Five Days and Counting...

Hello family and friends,

Where has the time gone?! FIVE days from today we will be embarking to Cape Town, South Africa! These past two months have been wonderful and have honestly gone by so fast. From our almost weekly meetings, prayer training and volunteering at Powerhouse Church in Watts, the bonds we are beginning to develop are inseparable.

We had our prayer night this past Wednesday and it was absolutely incredible. Family and friends, boyfriends, girlfriends and life groups all joined together to pray over our team and partners in Africa as well as the staff and kids of Bridges of Hope. It was an experience that I will never forget and I know many others will not forget it either. I can tell God has big plans for this team and I am so excited and thankful to be a part of it. Here are a few pictures from our prayer night this past Wednesday! Please keep us in your prayers as we make our final preparations for the trip and for safe travels. We all love you so much and are thankful to have you in our lives!

In Him,

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