Yesterday we did our first session of the Choose to Wait program, which is a way for us to be able to discuss purity with the kids and what it looks like to live that out daily in the secular world we live in. HIV could be present in 60-70% of the children here at Bridges, making purity an eminent discussion topic, even though it has most likely affected 100% of them in one way or another. Purity is one of the most important discussions we can have with them. Kacie, Jason and Lailanie gave their testimony's during the program this afternoon, and we are so thankful to have had them share. They have powerful testiments of God's holiness and forgivness. The discussion groups that followed were powerful and heart breaking. I thank God, everyday that I am here, for the willingness and openness of the kids and how much the Lord is doing through that. He is powerful and majestic in everyway imaginable and that is so evident in the way these kids have prevailed their backgrounds to be who they are today... Strong and wanting to know the Lord and what He is all about....
Hi! This is Erin...So today a team of 7 of us went once again into Sweet Home- what an amazing day! We started the day with Kim and Lailanie (two amazing teachers!) teaching the preschool teachers of the Creche all about child development, how to tailor activities to specific age groups, and also how to create a "schedule" for the day- as children desperately need structure! As they shared their expertise and knowledge, it was encouraging to hear how receptive and grateful the teachers were as they devote so much of themselves to starting this school for the betterment of the community in which they live. While Kim and Lailanie taught, Kristy, Matt, Jason, Parker and myself worked with the "informal school" children on different work stations. These children of the informal school are children whose parents/family have not sent them to the formal schools of the townships and they are left without a formal education. It was exciting and completely God-filled as the children excitedly joined around each station to take part in the learning activities. It was amazing to look around the room and see Jason working with a young boy named Sive on his math skills with magnetized numbers on cookie trays...and Parker enthusiastically working with large stamp letters. The little ones would get up after working on their art and start proudly showing it off to others in the room! Kristy worked endlessly with the children and had them all singing their hearts out! As I sat and played alphabet bingo with the group I was amazed at their enthusiasm and focus on such a simple game that most preschool children in the States would have been bored within about 5-10 minutes. These children were mesmerized with this simple game for over an hour! The children of Sweet Home are desperate for educational activities and it was such an amazing blessing of God to see how eager they are to learn and how incredibly brilliant these little minds are...God is using these preschool teachers to form the new generation of the township and it was a privilege to get to play a part today. This afternoon the team moved on to the church in Phillipi to work with the staff. Parker and Matt taught the staff at Phillipi on project management. They did an incredible job in taking very abstract concepts and breaking it down into manageable and simple steps. Matt and Parker are both gifted teachers and everyone in the room was engaged and taking notes. As we learned more about the type of projects the team is interested in starting, it caught our attention that they are such great visionaries of all they feel God is leading them to start within the townships. One specific project was that they are looking to start a bread business as they said "people here are so hungry and bread is just too expensive in the markets- we need a cheaper way to make bread and provide it at a cheaper cost...". We started brainstorming ideas for this project and we are excited to see how God has it unfold. Thanks to Parker and Matt for using their professional training to help train others! Overall a good day in Sweet Home. Although the poverty and need is overwhelming and your heart breaks with everything you see, it was encouraging to see that in small ways- the preschool and different projects being started- God is moving and big things are happening here in very tangible ways- Praise God! Blessings and thanks for your prayers.
Shawn: Hello friends. Today I was privileged to stay at the academy and teach a few classes to the sixth, seventh and ninth graders. God is definitely moving on this campus and has a very specific message for these children. Freedom and healing from their suffering. From the earliest classes in the morning it seemed that the teachers were compelled to adjust their lesson plans to accommodate this vision. Keely was able to get the kids in the morning classes to open up about their past and the very difficult situations that they are coming from. Horrendously sad experiences that are almost too painful to imagine for children this age. After hearing about this, I decided to adjust my lesson plan to focus on the Community aspect of Christianity. In my classes we looked at scriptures in Matthew, James, and Philippians discussing how we need to love our neighbors and be like Christ to each other to find strength and healing from our deep personal hurts. These kids have VERY tough shells, and are not comfortable sharing about their personal lives (who is?), but today our staff saw and heard from a number of children who took the brave step to share their stories with us. I am so happy and encouraged that some of these kids are taking this important step. There is a full time counselor and social worker here on campus which is an invaluable service for these children. It seems like with each passing day my heart grows heavier and heavier for the brokenness that lingers with the students at Sweet Home. But I am also astounded by the abundant goodness of God in allowing us to bring joy and the opportunity for these children to begin the healing process. My questions of pain are being answered by examples of God's faithfulness. Students are sharing with us their hurts and doubts, but also a desire to know God more. The healing process is beginning for a number of the kids here. I could go on for hours, but it is late. Please pray for a continued sense of openness from all the children here, and that God's forgiveness and peace would reign in the lives of these precious children of Sweet Home.
It is so exciting to see how He uses each of your individual talents, all to the Glory of His Name. The blog and pictures help us at home to get the "feel" of Sweet Home....thank you! Continued prayer and love to all of you, as you complete your time with these sweet children. In His love, Kristy's in-laws :)
ReplyDeleteHi, It's been a blessing to wake up each morning to read the blog and yes once in a while see a photo of Kim:) Your stories are so moving and the work you're doing is so amazing. I know that it will be hard to leave the community in a few days. You have touched the lives of many people. Can't wait to have everyone home safely on Sunday. You're in our prayers. Bohannon/Barbre/Buechel Family
ReplyDeleteYou all have givin so much of yourself, its no wonder the walls have come down. Your kindness and grace has given alot to the children there, and they are blessed with all you have been. Stay strong. Keep smiling. :D
ReplyDeleteYour experiences are always profound as I read each day. I am struck how the Lord has shown you all how He loves us as you interact with these beautiful needful souls. He comes to us when we are broken and in need of Him and is using you all as His chosen disciples in this time you have at Sweet Home. Stay strong for your journey is almost over and in many ways you all will never be the same. We are praying for you all and Shawn we send our love, Mom and Dad.
ReplyDeleteReading your blog each day has been a highlight in these days since Stephanie and the team landed in South Africa. It has indeed brought SA closer to us. Your stories and experiences touched and shown us the Glory of God. May all glory and honor be to Him, for great things He has done. Counting down the days when we will welcome you home,Stephanie. Hope you are all better. Praying that you all will have good health, strength and power from above to finish the good work He has begun in and through you. We love you.
ReplyDeletePraying for ya :)
ReplyDeleteAgain, thank you for sharing it helps me get a glimpse of what it is like there...I pray that what has been taught to these kids will remain in there hearts even after you all head back to the states...Thanks for the picture too! Good to see my sis and bro...lately, I have been looking at the moon at night and realizing how powerful God is ...that it is the same moon you all see...yesterday the moon was out even in the sunlight..It reminds me that God is everywhere, can see everything and will never leave...
ReplyDeleteI am praying for you all every day and night, especially for the children to be open to what is being said and done. I will continue to pray, and I know that you are all doing such a great thing.
ReplyDeleteI love you Jessica and I am so proud of you.