On Sunday Our South Africa team went for a fun adventure to Powerhouse Church in Watts, CA. Powerhouse is a church that brings people together and one of the main reasons why our team was there to learn fellowship and unity within our team. We arrived early to help prepare breakfast for the Children service. We plunged right in with connection with the kids through playground activities and serving them pancakes and eggs.
As I walked through the spaces and looked through artwork and the motivational praises that's abundantly surrounding us all through out their walls, I saw that this church provides a safe and loving environment to all that seeks God and its people. Taking the passage right from their mission statement on their website: (http://www.wattspowerhousechurch.com/) "Bring our neighbors to Christ through works of love and the Work of the Holy Spirit!" (Mathew 22:39)
After worship held by our own Rockharbor members and a powerful message by our own Alan Freedman, we served the church members lunch and had more time to get to know more about the people. From my own experience, I saw that people of this church had a real strong faith and connection with God. Just from looking accross the room, I saw a unity within a neighborhood that might be challenged by the economical and social hardship that enatils in their city. I pray that our team will grow in faith and unity learned and practiced by Powerhouse Church.

So awesome to serve with your team in Watts! I am continually praying for unity and growth as a team as your prepare to go minister in ZA!