After church was lunch, where we continue to "learn" from the students here. In addition to getting to sit with the students and just have conversation we also grow in our knowledge about their culture and habits. Today the girls I was sitting with insisted that I must chew on the chicken bones after I ate all the meat. I told them I didn't think it was such a good idea, but I did appease them by making it look like I tried to chew a bone. I was also reminded of how you think you may have eaten all the chicken off the bones, but the students will soon show you just how wrong you are. Waste not, want not!
After lunch we had a couple of activities for the kids before they were required to do prep time (a.k.a. studying). We were able to use the shed (think oversized garage) to have a little runaround room without being in the rain. Kim led us in a game of "Do you love your neighbor?" that was of course a smashing success. There was running around, chair stealing, strategic maneuvers, and of course LOTS of laughter. It was a lot of fun and kept everyone moving around and sitting next to new people all the time.
This evening Emily, Jared, and I went in to Cape Town to pick up Sinethemba (a graduate of Bridges Academy who is currently a student at the University of Cape Town) to go to an church service at Common Grounds. When our pastors' team was in-country back in June they were able to connect with Rigby Wallace (leader at Common Grounds) to talk about the different ministries we are involved in here in South Africa; we had the opportunity to meet Rigby after the church service which was great since he and a few other members of his church will be visiting Bridges Academy this coming Friday.
Interestingly enough the message shared at Common Grounds tonight totally overlapped with what Jared shared this morning at our own little church service from 2 Corinthians 11. The major focus of tonight's sermon was about David and how he got back "on track" with God and I really felt compelled to share with you the major points of the sermon because I think that they really resonate with where I am at (and maybe some other members of the team as well, especially as these points might pertain to our trip). So here it goes:
- you lean more on God's sufficiency than your own abilities.
- you seek God first for faith and guidance on every major issue.
- your weakness deepens your trust in Jesus.
- you're willing to work hard at anything in obedience to God.
- you practice big hearted generosity

❤ keira
A break in the rain produced another beautiful view here. :)
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