This Blog is being written by Allie Lerude and Paul Morrow…
Today started off as a typical South African Day at Bridges
Academy. We taught classes to the Sweet
Home kids, fed them, played with them, loved them and did our best to teach them
about things such as Grace, Prayer and Forgiveness. Parachutes, bubble blowing, swinging on the
swing set, soccer, dance parties and a lot more hugs and carrying kids filled the day here at Bridges!
After Vacation Bible School a few of the kids started
sneaking outside and playing with some innocent sidewalk chalk, all colors
imaginable! Molly accidentally drew a picture
causing a lot of chalk dust on the sidewalk and Dion, one of the OVC kids, took the moment to sneak his
hands in the dust and then covered his face and Molly’s with the colored
chalk. World War III broke out and chalk
flew everywhere, their faces were coved
and the kids made sure ours were as well.
Colors of the rainbow flew everywhere and on everybody! Spirits were not just high but colorful as
After School Program Time!
The Academy Kids were ready for some fun
with Salsa Dancing, Scavenger Hunts, Dodgeball, Basketball and Spiritual Discipline lessons. As the team pulled together back in the Red Room one of the
12th grade students joined us to be prayed for, Emelie, a beautiful
young lady ready to go out and make her place in this world. The entire team put hands on her to pray for
encouragement. The room was filled with
deep and serious thoughts and praying!
Emelie listened joyfully as we spoke verses over her and felt filled up
and relieved when she heard a verse that read to her earlier this year (Isaiah
Tonight, all the OVC kids were brought into the Conference
Room accompanied by the 12th graders from Bridges Academy. Their purpose was to pray over these
beautiful children, as they would be returning to their township in Sweet Home,
South Africa then next day. Picture
this, all the little kids sitting in the middle of the room circled up by the 12th graders. The
older students presented, in their native language of Xhosa, prayers that we
couldn’t understand but felt the power of their words, actions, expressions and
love as they spoke to the kids. Little
children were praying in the circle as their older peers let them know of the
love Jesus has for them, kids who normally never sat still were totally focused
on these students as they covered them in the love of Jesus and the joy of
giving them selves to the Lord. Around
the room our teammates didn’t need to understand because God was speaking to
all of us. Tears broke out from almost
every member of the team as kids prayed, held hands and celebrated Jesus. That little light grew into a blazing torch
for Jesus!
This is Allie and I wanted to share what I experienced
tonight. The way that the 12th
grader’s, or "Matrics", as the academy calls them, prayed was incredible. They spoke with such unity and passion, even
though we didn’t understand what they were saying, we felt it. As the Matric’s were praying blessings over
the Sweet Home kids, we saw a little boy named Edward start crying and you
could tell something was going on inside him.
All of the Matric’s laid their hands on him and prayed for him. Once they were done, four more boys did the
same thing; one after another these kids gave their lives to Christ. Seeing these five children who have so much
darkness and pain in their life pray to God and seek him was transforming. I was crying within the first two minutes,
simply because this was something I have never experienced. Seeing these sweet kids want to have this
fire that the Matric kids spoke about was an indescribable experience. Dion, Siphosethu, Edward, Snethemba, and
Aevla gave their lives to Christ tonight and tomorrow they’re getting baptized
by the Matric’s. This is a night that I
will never forget. Seeing Dion (who just
gave his life to Jesus) lay hands and pray over another kid made me stand in
awe. This group of kids is the most
loving, joyful, desirous for affection, beautiful group of children I have ever
known. I am so honored to have loved on
them for these past few days; through chalk wars, pushing swings, getting
mauled on the trampoline, dancing, to holding these kids as they cried. So blessed by this experience already, and
its only day three!

WOW! I couldn't help but smile ear to ear and cry and so much more.. I am so happy to hear how much the 12th graders have grown and taken this responsibility to pray over and speak into the lives of the youngsters. What an opportunity!
ReplyDelete"this is amazing grace...."
I read about your day three times as it was so full -- filled with fun, games , laughter and then this deep spiritual awakening . Each time I read it , I had tears in my eyes as I could just imagine what you were all experiencing. How awesome to not only witness God moving in these young lives, but to be part of it all and be a tool in his work. So thrilled for you all !!! God Bless you
ReplyDeleteseriously tears as I read this. It's moments like this that you will be completely moved and experience God's love in a radical way. It's so amazing to see the grade 12 students step up and shine. God is definitely moving down there in South Africa, and He is using you guys to be a light to this community! Be blessed!
ReplyDelete"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." -Matthew 5:16
Goodness gracious! My heart is so happy reading this post and my eyes are totally filled with tears! Seeing the way your team is growing spiritually and closer to one another is making me so happy! The OVC & Academy kids are so blessed to have you guys loving on them! Continuing prayer for your team that the Lord blesses you with open hearts, patience, and lots of smiles as you continue to serve Him!
ReplyDeleteXO Kate Johnson
WOW!!! I have cried through each blog post so far- I love reading about what God is doing over there! The Lord is already moving in HUGE and unexpected ways!! Thank you so much for sharing what you and the children experienced. Hearing these stories of lives being transformed by the hope and love of Jesus Christ has already strengthened my faith as well. These stories are a true testament to God's transformative and healing power. Keep pressing in- can't wait for the next post!! The Bosch's are praying for you all!!!
ReplyDeletePsalms 119:1-2 NLT
ReplyDelete"Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the LORD. Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts."
As Jared would say, "Come on!" What a beautiful portrait of what Kingdom work is here on earth. I loved reading about how the kids poured into each other as you all stood back and received. The Spirit was on the move! That is an experience those kids won't soon forget. I can't wait to hear more stories just like this over the next week or so. Continuing to pray for strength and endurance during these long days and that you would each experience how much the Father loves you.
What an amazing God we serve! To use his children to speak to younger children and bring them to know God's love. I am filled tears of joy and excitement for what is in stores for the rest of your trip. Continuing to pray for energy and endurance as the days and nights can run long; that God would fill you all up each morning to serve in His name. Can't wait to hear more stories!!
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing!! Praise God! Everyday, it is such a blessing to read about what God is doing in South Africa... And you guys get to witness it!! I was brought to tears as I read about the grade 12 students ministering to the Sweet Home kids. It's true what they say at RockHarbor all the time - stories encourage faith. My faith has been encouraged because of the stories you are telling.
ReplyDeleteKeep at it, guys. It is clear that the Holy Spirit is with you and is sustaining you. Can't wait to read about what God did today!
What an amazing day. God is surely using the team and the students to minister to these children. Tears of joy as we read daily what God is doing. We are praying for you for strength and discernment.
ReplyDeleteRebecca Records
How awesome to get a glimpse of the harvest. Oftentimes it is easy to be discouraged because you do not plant & harvest in the same season, but to see the some of the harvest from the seeds others have planted is truly encouraging. Continue to plant those seeds!
ReplyDelete"Do not be deceived, GOD is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:7-10
❤ keira