This blog was written by April and Matt…
Hi Friends and Family!

This is April and I still can’t believe I’m here in South
Africa!!! Today was another great day working with the Bridges Academy
It is wonderful how this
academy houses and educates South African teenagers who have lost one or both
The staff at the academy work
very hard to educate, love and raise up these students to prepare them for a
future where the students can affect a positive change in their communities. My
heart goes out to the teachers, principals and all staff who have made
sacrifices to work at the academy. It was my privilege to serve them during a
Staff Appreciation Lunch by decorating the outdoor patio, serving them food
& drink and clearing their dishes when they had finished. It was the least
I could do to show my appreciation for all their hard work throughout the year.
I am only here for two weeks, but they are here all year round and it must take
great strength to go the long haul.
Jared keeps telling us: we are the sprinters here for a short time but the
Academy Staff are the marathon runners who keep on and on.

Throughout the week I have been moving through each group’s
rotations taking photos and it has been wonderful to see my RockHarbor team
members in action. God has created them with such unique gifts and talents that
they get to share with the Academy students. I could write for a long while on
how impressed I am with each team member and give you specifics on what they
are doing here. Yet, I will spare everyone such a long blog. =) I will say that
the Academy Students are enjoying the various experiences and have been
connecting with the RockHarbor team during rotations and other meeting times.
In my rotation I was able to share the skill of crocheting, something my
grandma taught me when I was little. At first I was worried that not many of
the students would be interested in learning this skill. However, I was
surprised that several of them, even the boys, were really interested in
learning! Some of the boys struggled, but they kept coming back to me, Lizzie
or Ray asking us to check their progress and help them through it. =) Many of
them made wrist bands and a few made some more complicated head bands. In the
future, they could use this skill to make scarves, blankets and such a wide
variety of goods. I am glad that my grandma could pass this skill on to me so
that I could pass it on to the South African students. Thank you grandma. =) We
also had a group activity for Spiritual Disciplines Prayer and Stewardship led
Paul, Soccer led by Molly and
assisted by Matt, and Line Dancing
by Meredith, Chalane, Morgan, and Kira. The kids were so engaged for all the
activities and it definitely makes our job a little bit easier.
A special class was held today on Prayer
Training led by Kathlene, Danielle and Allie.

It was Friday night and the students were ready for a fun
Guys and Girls Night! The guys lit the campfire, sang songs in their native
language Kosa and danced around with glow sticks. While the girls stayed warm
inside, painted nails, did a photo shoot and shared with each other. We joined
the guys around the campfire where Paul shared his story and it moved me to
tears. He has had many hardships in this life, from losing his wife and sons in
a car crash, holding his father’s & mother’s hands as they faced death, and
even experiencing death himself after a heart attack. I watched the Academy
Students as they intently listened to Paul’s story and you could see how they
were moved to hear how God led Paul to know Christ through the experiences of
great pain in his life.
The students
were so moved by Paul’s testimony that they were rendered speechless.
Literally, only one student was able to
respond during group time. However, after we commenced S’mores making, I saw
Paul sitting a little distant from the fire, and slowly, one at a time or in
pairs, students came to speak to him. I have no idea what they said to Paul,
but I imagine that they finally found their voices and were able to speak about
how his story touched their hearts or to share with him painful experiences of
their own. All of the students at Bridges are familiar with the pain of losing
a loved one and I am convinced that they developed a unique connection with
Paul after he shared his story.
moves in mysterious ways; he often uses the pain in our lives to draw us closer
to Him and to each other. It’s strangely beautiful.
And so goes another day here in South Africa! Stay tuned for more tomorrow!
I really love all the stories that you share, look forward to reading them everyday! I get tears in my eyes when I think of all that God is doing. I am praying for safety and health for you! Hi Ray! - Dianna Quinones
ReplyDeleteLove it! So rad to see see God use your own individual stories to draw a deeper connection to the students. These are the moments you will carry in your heart forever.
ReplyDeleteI encourage you with this; to not to only do, but BE! Be who God created you to be. Be the man or woman who inspired you and inspires others. Be joyful. Be thoughtful. Be present. Be content. BE YOU! You are exactly where God wants you to be. He brought you to South Africa, you are meant to be there! Praying for you all!
Well I have finally gotten to a real computer so I can comment! I have been reading your blog everyday and am so moved by the blessing that you bring to the children and the blessings and love they are returning to you all! Please tell Mere I have said many prayers and we have a whole brigade praying for you ALL as well! Great work! You are moving mountains and changing those precious lives forever! =D Please tell Meredith "I love you Honey Bee and I am so proud of you!" This is for her....
ReplyDeleteGirls night was one of my favorite nights by far last year! I hope you guys enjoyed it and are really loving your time there. It's so encouraging to hear how specific people's stories make an impact on the students. As I'm sure you already know, the students love it when you are vulnerable with them and open up. It encourages them to do the same with you and most importantly, with one another and the Bridges staff.
ReplyDeleteYou're at the halfway mark already - make sure you're soaking up every second of your time in ZA because it goes by so quickly. (All of us at home can't wait for you to get back, though!) :)
Thank you for sharing! Thank you for appreciating the staff. As a staff member there for awhile it was such a joy to have the team come and bless us. I love that Jared calls it a marathon. It definitely was very challenging at times, so really love the staff. Say hi to them even if they don't look up. It is stressful, busy and tiring.
ReplyDeletePaul's story will be one the kids will never forget. That's powerful. Praying for you guys! Praying for strength in that crazy sprint you are doing. I pray against any team drama. Not saying there is any, but when you are tired and that close ;) I pray that God brings you all closely together and united. I pray God's wisdom and grace over the leaders. Each one of you are there for a reason and you ALL have a special part to play and I pray God reveals that to all of you.
I look so forward to your blogs each night and am so impressed with each one I read. It's great how you all are able to use your individual talents, skills and experiences. Loved thinking of those kids crocheting That's no easy task. Yay Grandma who had no idea this many years later her precious granddaughter would be sharing that talent with children in South Africa. Loved hearing how Paul would share a deep life experience so touching to the children that it moved the whole world there. You guys rock ! I can't read a blog without ending up in tears and Allie would say "are you crying"? YES ! (Love you - Mean it). I am praying for strength and energy for all of you
ReplyDeletePaul thank you for sharing your story with the kids. They also have so much tragedy but can rejoice in loving a big God that shapes us and uses our story. I know from when you applied before you are meant to be there.
ReplyDeleteTeam, praying for more beautiful moments with kids, Ches, and the big man himself:)
Keep up the good work.
Monica Harter
Papa P!!!!! Paul, we prayed for you before you left that God would use your story in mighty ways and make you a Father over there.... Look how God has answered!!! I'm in tears!!! Praying God continues to use you to "bind up the broken hearted"!!! Love you and so proud to call you friend!!