Monday, January 19, 2015


Today was a nice, relaxing day.

Well, it was relaxing for some of us. Our heroic editors were slaving away for hours, working tirelessly to take all the awesome footage from throughout the week and turn it into a meaningful final video. But while they were downing their fourth (or fifth) cups of coffee, the rest of us got to just relax and spend time with the kids we've come to know and love. We splashed around in the pool, braided each other's hair, played games, sang songs, and just enjoyed one another's company. As much as we've all loved our hectic schedule, it was during these unplanned, raw moments that we really connected with the students on a deeper level.

The evening marked the wrap-up of our week-long camp festivities, which of course meant that we had to go all out. We did the girls' makeup and helped them into nice dresses. It was amazing, seeing their faces light up. Then, when all the students were (FINALLY) ready, they proceeded to walk down the red carpet while us leaders danced around, taking their pictures and asking for autographs.

They loved it. The girls squealed with laughter, giggling and blushing at having their pictures taken. For just a little while, we got to make them feel special - and the joy it produced was contagious.

Once that was done we gathered together for the "world premiere" of our music video (the one we've been working on for days). Everyone snacked on popcorn as the lights went down and the kids finally got to behold the fruits of their labor. The video was "critiqued" (praised) by a panel of "judges" (staff members), all of whom gave it full marks. Then, each student was presented with a special award befitting of his or her personality.

We concluded the evening by gathering all the students into the middle of the room, where we laid hands on them, blessing and praying for them. Then there was more laughing, hugging, and, if you can believe it, dancing.

If there was ever any doubt that this week was full of growth, that doubt was washed away as we watched those kids on screen. Girls who'd begun the week quiet, shy, and removed from the group were suddenly glowing, expressing themselves with humor and wit. Showing interest in the film process. Singing about God. We got to witness them coming alive, and it was the coolest. thing. ever.

God is good. Through the hard times, the suffering, the stuff that's difficult to understand - He brings us together and gives us joy.

The Rock Harbor team

(P.S. More pictures to come!!!)


  1. Loved the pics and update! Praise God for all He is doing!

  2. I love everything about this post and you can tell the students enjoyed the event so much! What a treat it is to see their bright and radiant smiles. I'm thrilled to hear of how the students have been engaging in the idea of storytelling. I have been praying for the team and I hope the rest of the trip brings you more blessings. We miss you Ellen and Jared! Give the students a big hug for me :)

  3. The pictures are just beautiful... It makes my heart smile to see these amazing kids again. I love hearing about how God is using you all to impact and change lives. Praying for you all this week. God bless you !

  4. Hey team! Sounds like you've had a crazy and awesome week! I don't think my last comment posted so I'll say again I was laughing reading about how you realized what good dancers the students were! :) And knowing those girls, I'm sure they LOVED that red carpet. What a fun way to bless them. Whether you feel it or not, each one of you has blessed the students simply by being there and wanting to get to know them. I'll be praying for you all - for more opportunities to be a blessing and pour into the students. Also praying for chances to be blessed and learn something new about God. Love that He lets both of those things happen in one trip :) Can't wait to hear more stories!


    PS - Ellen, please give Asandiswa a big hug for me!! Also, I'll pay you if you bring me back some of those amazing cookies haha...but seriously :)
