Meghan here! It was another awesome day here in South Africa. We had our team split up again half going to Sweet Home and the other half staying at the Academy. Sweet Home had day two of VBS and a CHE training on selling and marketing with Jess B. The highlight though for everyone was Cultural night where the students of Bridges rocked our world with some amazing
performances. Let me just say American Idol has NOTHING on the kids at Bridges. We ended the night with devotions and worship where the students lead us some of the most heavenly worship I have ever come into contact with. For more on our day here is a post from our absolutely amazing photographer Jess S!Hi Friends.. wow. Today was sort of epic. Long, crazy, wild, and umm.. fantastic. I was in Sweet Home this morning/afternoon, so playing with and loving on the little ones. Got a few great shots with my little point and shoot {5D was veto'd for s
afety}. The kids were absolutely beautiful. Dirty, messy, and a bit attention deprived, but totally children of God, loved by God, and worth the dirt and mess of it all. Truly. It is so easy to see the heartbreak end of it, but I just keep reminding myself about love. It was crazy to get the opportunity to show our Lord's incredible love in the
simplest of ways, by holding them, hugging them, and giving them a bit of attention. We were able to put on a VBS with about 45 little ones, and later feed them before departing back to the Academy for Cultural night.

For dinner, we had been being teased by the students that we would be eating ostrich eyeballs and chicken's feet and all sorts of other funky "South African" tribal dishes, so dinner had been, well, something I was having a little anxiety over. I was certainly not alone in this. So when our fearless leaders ate the Lychee.. err.. ostrich eyeballs.. yeah.. we didn't actually have anything too weird. We did however get to experience the awesomeness of having our faces painted in a South African tribal form.. so cool.
Here's a photo of my travel buddy and devo. partner Molly, along with one of the girls in mine and her small group.

After dinner, the Academy students gave me one of the most amazing experiences of my life. They performed several tribal dances and sang in such beautiful tones- unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Once their ridiculously fantastic performance ended in our standing ovation and cheers, it was our turn to show off a little... Compared to the students, we were mediocre, but
they loved it. So.. friends, yes, we performed the "Bieber" Dance this evening. It was really fun, and the energy in the room was such a fun exciting thing to experience. I'm so excited to hang out with the students tomorrow, as I'll be back at the Academy making duct tape purses ;)... A few more photos from our day, and a huge huge hug to my friends and family back home! I love you guys and miss you major! Pray for me to receive the Lords blessings in this, and to show His love daily.
Hey guys! Meghan here again to close this blog out with some prayer requests! Please continue to pray for the health of our team as we have some unwanted sickness staying around. Pray for continued unity and for us to be discerning in our time with the people that we interact with in Sweet Home and at the academy.
Thank you again so much for joining along with us in the amazing journey that God has called us too. Thank you for partnering with us and supporting us. You are as much apart of God's plan for the people we interact with as we are.
and may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should how wide, how long and how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all of the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:18-19
Jess it was wonderful to see your photographs and I can't wait to see the rest of them. I have been so excited to see how God is going to use you to change the lives of the people in Africa and to see how the people in Africa are going to change you too. I have been praying for you daily and I will continue to do so :) Things are great at home and I am having so much fun running Blackbird for you. And here is a little Jesus Hug for you... Your entire apartment is painted and it looks fantastic!
ReplyDeleteMiss you,
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLoved reading about the opportunities to share cultures and loved seeing all the photos. Continuing to pray for health and God's guidance as you continue in His work there.
ReplyDeleteDustin - Shane and Natalee say "Hi!" (Dad and Darcy are not home right now, so I send their hellos by proxy :)) We love you!
I so look forward to reading all your posts, thanks for sharing and allowing me to feel a part. So great to see pic and recognize some familiar faces. Please give them all hugs for me. Will keep you all in my prayers, for health and that you will always lean on Jesus. Sending a special hug to Lailanie, and tell her to hug Nwabisa for me.
ReplyDeletethanks Jen
Molly's groupies here!
ReplyDeleteWe're gathered at lifegroup reading your updates and thinking of you.
We've spent the last 10 minutes trying to figure out what to say, and have decided that the best thing to say is -- make sure you've finished Hole in the Gospel before coming home. We're on Chapter 26, since we just pop-corned (sic) through every chapter ;-)
All joking aside: We miss you, we're praying for you, and can't wait to hear what God does with you and the team during your time there.
Your lifegroup
PS: Watch out for the puddles in the township ;-)
PPS: Ryan is wearing his sweet yellow visor -- and a fanny pack.
Hello to all the team,
ReplyDeleteSo wonderful to read that the love of the Lord is flowing...with such abundance in both directions! Sorry to hear that some are experiencing health issues. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless your ministry and give you all the necessary tools, power and strength to complete your outreach!!
Thanks to Meghan and Jess for the report. All the pictures are wonderful. I especailly like the picture of that sweet girl Molly!
Love and Blessings to all...
Michael C. (Molly's Dad)
Jess-It's so exciting to see how God is using you to serve Him and His people. What more could a mom want them to know her children love and serve Jesus! Use your gifts-Bring Honor and Glory to His name. I love you!
ReplyDeleteHallelujah for my internet is finally working and allowing me to get on the blog! Wireless be CRAZY at my new house these days! I have been thinking about you all at the most random times throughout my day... I have been having flashback to the red room, the rec center, the delicious polony sandwiches, and kids like Edward and I can't help but marvel at the connectedness I feel with you all now as we start to share in this experience.
ReplyDeleteI have been specifically mindful of Ryan and Nate (holla atchhaa boyyzz), being that you two are such dear friends to me.
For Ryan, I pray that you are exceedingly prayerful throughout your time in Africa. I hope that you will know and trust that God is faithful in answering your requests; that you will be softened and conflicted and shaken and rocked by the things you see and hear while you are there. God's world is big and colorful and I hope that you find rest in the unrest. Remember how good it really is to be frustrated as the ugliness at the world and live out of that.
For Nate, I pray that God is sustaining you as a leader. You have been uniquely gifted with the ability to lead and lead well. You have a kind spirit, Nathaniel, and I pray that you will know full well that God is pleased with your compassion and ability to move and lead with authority and love. Your tender, humble heart needs no language in order to be communicated.
Please give extra hugs to Eddie and Ceci for me and maybe bring home a bead or two that we can use in the next bead casting ceremony.
I feel like God is using you boys to uniquely represent the image of what a man of God should look like. These kids have such shattered versions of what fatherly, parenting love should look like and I feel God using you both to transmit that love using nothing but your genetic predisposition as men that choose to serve a God that is so much bigger than all of the brokenness in the world.
Sorry for being long-winded! I can't wait to hear from you when you get home. All about the safari... haha just kidding ;)
-Emily Payan
To my Jess: I prayed for you hardcore today while walking our loop (thought you'd be proud of that detail!) and of course that in turn made me miss you hardcore! Whatever tomorrow brings, I am confident that He who has begun a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. Point and shoot away my friend-can't wait to see how you capture the handiwork and ministry of Christ in the next few weeks.
ReplyDeleteLots of hugs-
I second (most of) what Emily said! (Subtract the weird parts.) Nate, you always remind me what Christ is like. Thank you for the humble way you lead. The world needs more men like you, habibi. (So, get discipling.) Every day in your absence I've been reminded of how very wonderful you are.
ReplyDeleteRyan, how is your strange illness? I'm praying for you... just as I have been for the past year. I'm beginning to feel like they aren't working, as you've never really gotten rid of this. Ha!
Lailanie, I got an email from you today (it was just an automated Precious Lamb email about the fundraiser... nothing personal. I'm sure your team gave you accusing glares for a moment, thinkin' that you had been shooting out emails.) While I quickly realized that it was just an automated message, I will say that it threw me off for a second.
Ok team, please do me a favor. If you all aren't too sleepy from, ya know, serving Jesus all day long... please stay up til midnight and sing Nate happy birthday. I'm sure he'll be embarrassed and maybe a little awkward about it. Ryan, give him a big hug for me.
PS: Something I've been thinking about for myself lately that may help you each: allow yourself to feel as you process each night. Do not numb yourself. God created emotions and feelings. He, himself, grieves, is saddened, etc... It is okay, and good in the right amounts, to be pained by what you're seeing and experiencing.
PPS: First week down. Complete. Fini. Congratulations!
love, Love, LOVE getting to see some photos...thanks for posting them! Happy almost Birthday to Nate! I missionary trip love you all. :)
ReplyDeleteSo great seeing pics of you guys!!! Praying for you as you wrap up your first week of Sweet Home and embark on a weekend of Academy events!!! We are using our shield of faith to extinguish any flaming arrows from the enemy. We pray that the Spirit would overwhelm the team with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self control. Remember if you aren't feeling any of these all you have to do is ask the Spirit for them.
ReplyDeleteBlessings team!!!!
Hi, Brent. Keeping all of you in our prayers!
ReplyDeleteOY Vey! Progress is never without shedding's to the brave soul in each one of you. Keep marching forward with spirits high, smiles bright and feet forward. I hope some were kind enough to give their chicken feet to those hungry need to share your food people! I say share wisely! :P I'd like to send a very personal message to the Talented Mr. Nate, (Peking Dragon lunch was cancelled)(sad faces)as this is the eve of your special day, I'm headed into the kitchen to make a huge Mexican Fiesta to celebrate your Birthday. Take a bow, I don't honor everyone!!! We will reinact this in two weeks~hope you can make it!! May Saturday be filled with peaceful joy to fill your heart! Big hugs! Much Love! S & S
ReplyDeleteFor Lailanie: Hope you are having a fabulous time. First week with Jaci went wonderfully well and we got a lot done. We are holding down the fort well. Praying that you are used mightily this last week and that you will be filled with God's love and the love of the people you have touched in Africa. Hugs from Ramona
ReplyDeleteFor Molly: I got tears in my eyes when I saw that pictures were posted today! So good to see your face Molls. Missing you today. I was going to update you sooner on the dogs, but I wanted to wait till Tiffany came back so you wouldn't be disappointed when I told you they are missing the loving you give them. (I'm definitely not cut out for the whole dog cuddling thing - they are getting lots of treats though) :) Love you so much!