I can't believe it's already the 17th of August. Time has truly flown by. So much so, I've barely had time to stop and reflect. Seems like every break in the schedule has been used for drawing on the Lord for more strength and endurance. Maybe it will start to really sink in on the plane...how much the Lord has done here in such a short amount of time. There will be so many memorable highlights to ponder, but one stands out to me today. I have never enjoyed leading worship as much as I have for these kids at the academy. Words can't describe the powerful feeling I get when my hand strums the first chord of a song and 40 beautiful voices ring out boldly worshiping our God. I can't even hear myself sing over their glorious voices. Tonight we asked the kids to lead us in worship before devotions, acapella, as a treat for Kathi. It was indescribable and blessed us all so much!!!
I really do feel like a broken record by saying that time has just flown by so quickly.I just feel so blessed by this experience because truly I have changed tremendously. The kids are so loving and just being able to give them even more love and to hangout with them is such an honor. My connections with the kids are just growing even more and more and just conversing with them daily is so wonderful. I have been given the opportunity to tutor some of the academy kids in math ( they call it "maths" ) and I absolutely LOVE IT. To see the joy on their faces from getting a problem right and actually understanding a concept is so rewarding. Sometimes it can be challenging because you have to break down EVERY problem so simply, and even make up a story to go with the problem ( HA...). Honestly though, I love every minute of it because they are coming to understand and that alone just brings them joy and probably even more, me. Just as Garrick described, the worship that occurs between the kids is SO mind-blowing that I will never forget it. Their voices just sing out so loudly, and bring so much meaning.
Another aspect to this trip that I have been blessed with is to play basketball with the boys here. They love playing basketball and just have so much pride, but they know now that they can be beaten by a girl :) Everyday, we usually play a couple games of lighting/ knockout and then scrimmage 4-4 or depending on how many players it will vary. The competition is great, but in the end it all comes down to having fun and enjoying ourselves. God is good and I am so grateful.
Blessings to all!!!
Today was an awesome day, starting with a little "field trip" with 10 of the CHE's. We made the trip to the beautiful Table Mountain, a very popular tourist spot in Cape Town. We were going to take a cable car to the very top of the mountain, which overlooks the waterfront, ocean, and Robbin Island. However, things changed because of the winds so we decided to take some scenic photos and book it to the waterfront in Cape Town, pretty much one of the wealthiest spots around. We got down there and went to lunch at the amazing Spur Restaurant (oh yes, we went again!) And some of us will be going another time tomorrow night. It really is loved and cherished by the people here. We had some great conversations during lunch with the CHE's and really got to know them on a different level, outside of their typical environment. One of the CHE's said this was her first time seeing the ocean. So precious. We said our goodbyes and made it back to the academy. We had our last day of the HIV/AIDS training with Kathi and then started a really fun craft... magazine bead making! It really caught on with not only the kids but our team too! As a matter of fact, as I am typing this Ryan and Brent are in the room hard at work on their very own beads. Thanks so much for all your prayers and for thinking about us on this mission! So appreciate and we feel so loved.
Peace out,
Prayer request UPDATE:
Hey everyone! There is still some sickness on the team. We are one woman down and have a couple of colds we are all fighting off. Please continue to pray that we will remain unified and strong as a team and that we will finish the last days WELL!
Thank you for EVERYTHING! Here are some pictures of the last couple of days!

Michelle and Jess B. on the field with the Academy students

All of the boys playing soccer! Hanging out in the goal

This is what heaven will sound like... worshiping with the Academy Students

Table Mountain in the background with the CHE's
I am not seeing or hearing from Evelyn at all. I miss you E and I'm trying not to worry. (but I'm worried) I really wish personal correspondances were permitted. This breech of communication is heart-wrenching. Dana
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you all!
ReplyDeleteThis quote reminds me of my father.
" I have three precious things which I hold fast and prize. The first is gentleness; the second is frugality; the third is humility, which keeps me from putting myself before others. Be gentle and you can be bold; be frugal and you can be liberal; avoid putting yourself before others and you can become a leader among men."
Lao Tzu
I read this today and thought it would be a good quote to share with all you! Keep in mind, was orpaned as an infant. His mother died when he was two months old, his father abandon. He bounched around from home to home in the depression. Put himself throught boarding school and never looked back. Married, raised a family, and worked until it was time for him to go to the Lord. He died at 82. When you look at those children KNOW they can become WHAT they want. It's in Gods hands, and the message you relay gives them HOPE, that they may have needed. XO Sue
Thank you Michelle for mentioning Brent in your blog. I guess if he's too busy making magazine beads to blog that's O.K! At least I know he's O.K! Sooo many prayers going up for you Brent and your team as you pour hope into these precious kids! Can't wait to hear more of what God's done! It's in our weakness His strength is seen! Love you!
ReplyDeleteDana I Know how you feel!! Evelyn my beautiful stong sister i hope your ok...Love you sis and brother in law and everyone on the team!! I wish i could be there to hug those kids with you!
ReplyDelete<3 Claudia Cassie Chris Remmy and Buddy :)
I am SO proud of you Jaleigh! Now if we can get you to learn how to make your own toast you are set! :)
ReplyDeleteLove you bird!
Few things are as beautiful as that little farm!
ReplyDeleteSuch lovely pictures. Thank you for taking the time to post them! I know that isn't quite the fastest process... Thank you, also, for blogging. I know it can be at the end of a long day picking up children (three at a time if you're Ryan,) teaching, cleaning, tutoring, having emotional debriefs, etc...to stay up and write but it means so much to us back home! Especially on these last few days when I'm sure many of you want to stay up late bonding with other teammates. But, for those back in the states, these words are invaluable treasures. I am so proud of each of you.
One of my favorite verses of all time, James 1:27:
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
Doesn't being there, visiting the orphans and widows, really actually feel like pure and undefiled religion--the way following Jesus was meant to?
Before you leave, please let my girl Lisa know I love her and miss her and am praying for her always.
Dustin, your lady friend and I made plans to hang out on Friday. I'm assuming we'll pray for you two and mutually mope about how much we miss you two. ;)
Nathan, habibi, I didn't think it was possible but I grow more proud of you every day. Your little audio recordings make me smile.
Praying consistently for health and joy for each of you, and unity in leadership. Thank you for doing what you're doing.
So much stinkin' love,
I'm not sure how many more blog posts will happen before you leave so I'm going to try & squeeze several thoughts into this one post (so forgive the length)! So here we go:
ReplyDelete#1- Tammy, Kim, Brent, Dustin, Meghan, Michelle, Melody, Rachel, Brennan, Ryan, Emily, Jess S., Jess B., Evelyn, Trent, Garrick, Nate, Jaleigh, Molly, Lailanie, & Kathi...there, I finally got my "shout-out" to everyone! :)
#2- I'm really bummed that I can't be there to greet you guys at the airport or be there for the debrief, but please know that I am praying for you all. I look forward to hearing from you individually about your experiences.
#3- I think this quote is fitting when I think about coming to the end of a trip like this because I often feel a bit "broken-hearted" at the end.
"If through a broken heart God can bring His purposes to pass in the world, then thank Him for breaking your heart." — Oswald Chambers
Hey team!!! Thank you sooo much for the pics and the posts. We check all day to see if there is a new post!!!
ReplyDeleteAs your days wrap up, I am reminded of an overwhelming emotional brokenness that comes from seeing so much and having to leave. I've been learning how God wants to bind up those wounds. Even for those returning who might have that somewhat numb feeling, I pray that God is able to comfort you.
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3
So, my challenge to you is for tomorrow. Take a little extra time and spend it with God. Go look at the beautiful mountains and let God heal that broken heart. Sit with Him and let Him love you. I realize how much time you don't have, so this might require you to wake up a little earlier or stay up a little later. Trust that God will give you the strength for the day. You don't want to miss what He has for you. Be exhausted for God. Such a great place to be.
To Kim - I've been thinking about you and praying that all is going well for you and your team. I see there has been some sickness going around and given your track record with foreign countires, I am praying it isn't you! Looking forward to the pictures and stories when you return! Send all my love to Mtumba, I can't wait to meet him one day! Love, Sarah =)