Monday, August 6, 2012

Domestic Day

I could sit here and give you the dictionary definition of domestic, but I feel pretty confident that you all get the picture of what domestic means. We had a domestic day of sorts because we did not leave the Retreat Center all day (except for Jared who is flying back to the U.S.).  Today we hosted some CHEs from Sweet Home for a mini-retreat focused on spiritual development. We've got quite a full house with 16 ladies, 4 men, 8 children, and 3 babies. It might not be the quietest retreat, but we know God is working in this time! Check back tomorrow for more details about how the retreat wraps up. :)

In other domestic news, I had a lesson on how to make lamb stew! Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
           ❤ keira
P.S. Saw a full rainbow today just after the CHEs arrived.
P.P.S. If that rainbow comment didn't clue you in...yes, it rained again today!


  1. Wow, what amazing pictures and great updates! Sounds like it has been quite the trip so far. Prayers and good vibes going your way, everyday. Kim, as always, send my love to you-know-who ;) The office is oh-so less green and you are missed. Take care everyone :)
    <3 Sarah

    P.S. Aren't you glad you spent all that time running on the beach? I can't imagine how many animals you've outrun already :) hahaha

  2. What a treasure the CHEs are! For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Keep up the good work you all! Tammy
