Monday, July 28, 2014

Day One...Discovering Bridges

Todays blog is written by Matt and Meredith...

The day started with everyone waking up from a 12 hour nap (haha jet lag is a real thing). We started with a team breakfast and a devotional by Kathleen to help us prepare spiritually and mentally for the day. The morning was spent preparing for the onslaught of kids we would be working with tomorrow; there was  a tragic death in the Bridges family (the Academy we are staying  at) so the Wadley's (Bridges Founders) decided to bring the OVC (Orphans and Vulnerable Children) kids to the retreat center for camp.  We made beds, cleaned floors and swept bathrooms it was a blast! Following that we headed off to the Academy and spent lunch with the kids getting to know them. Kathleen got her hair braided and it looked fabulous!

We had four after school activities planned for the kids; Dodgeball with Matt, Scavenger Hunt with Molly, Spiritual Discipline with Danielle and Ice Breakers with Kira. We ate dinner with the kids tonight and we all split up amongst them kids in order to get to know them better, but the real fun began after putting the dishes away... A chair against a wall became a goal and the kids ran around wanting to take the winning shot. Other groups played the cups song (lead by Meredith), Allie was shown the girls dorms, Paul did magic tricks with a group while others, like Ray, sang songs with the kids.   Overall,  it was a great time.

After the kids study hour our team was in charge of leading a nightly devotional. Since the last teams trip it has become a tradition to share more testimonies with the kids. Ray opened us in worship and with encouragement from Jared, three girls from the academy came up to sing by Rays side. During our second song of worship the kids and everyone really started to get into worship while we all sang "Blessed be Your Name".  Singing clapping and chanting echoed throughout the room, God's spirit was certainly with us tonight!  Lizzie was the first person from our team to share her story with the academy, our theme for our devotionals this trip is "God is my (blank)". After her testimony we split into groups and Matt had this to say about his small group...

"At some point we asked the group if they felt special and targeted by God to have the opportunity to have been placed in Bridges.. But one of the kids "Siya" immediately spoke up and said he 'felt so loved that God put him in a place with so much love and opportunity.. And for him to see the hardships his friends go through, when he goes backs and visits the townships'. I was taken back by his vulnerability in the moment and his maturity in recognizing how blessed he is".

At the end of the evening the room was filled with shouting and hugging as our team and the academy students wished each other good night. (and this was a slow day).   We are so excited for all that God is doing here and ready for more tomorrow!

Stay tuned for the next post from all of us here in South Africa!



  1. I love it! This is only the only gets bigger & better from here! God is going to do amazing things with you guys!

    Praying for relationships to be formed and that God would give you the wisdom and knowledge to speak into the lives of these kids; that you would just ooze the love of God! And praying for you as you prepare for the OVC Kids! you'll just fall in love with them when you see their sweet faces!

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6


  2. Academy students? Tjo!! (At first it's annoying and then you love it!) ... So excited, and completely jealous, for you guys to hang out with the OVC kids! Have fun!!
    - Ryan

  3. It is GOD's provision that in this time of confusion & violence in their home communities that you get to be a tangible display of HIS love to the OVC kids, Bridges students, CHEs, & Bridges staff. I pray that as you continue to be a blessing to others that, you in turn, will also be blessed! ❤ keira

  4. Awesome day. Can't wait to hear more!
    Praying for all the stuff going on there. God uses it all for good. Stay encouraged!
    Monica Harter

  5. Day 1 sounds great! Isn't worship with the Bridges kids the best?!
    I can't wait to see the pictures of all the sweet OVC kids tomorrow. It's so cool to hear about how God already moving through your team. Stay safe and have fun!

  6. I am praying for all of you everyday, I pray for joy in your hearts and that God will sustain you in all you do. Your faith and love will shine through! Love and prayers - Dianna Quinones

  7. Praying for you guys! Praying for strength and openness to all that God has for you.

  8. This is so exciting to read and know that God has SO much stores for this trip. Hearing those kids worship and sing their huge hearts out to God is so glorifying! I pray that the students continue to open up during nighttime devotions and that they can confide in you all.

  9. I loved reading about how each of you has dived into the ministry there in South Africa! It was encouraging to read about your time of worship and devotions with the Academy students. Praying that God continues to use each of you in new and unique ways as you interact with the OVC and Academy kids this week.

    P.S. Shout out to Jared, Danielle, and Chalane. Praying for an extra burst of energy for you three as you begin this journey again! Love you guys!

  10. Praying for all y'all!! May the Holy Spirit fill you with strength, wisdom, courage, and insight. Paul, out whole team is praying for you. Kathleen, store up some good memories for our glamping date!
