Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Getting Closer as a Team and Aware of our Purpose

This is Lindsay, and I will be working with Paul to keep you all updated on what the Rock Harbor
Summer South Africa team is up to. The count down is on, and with only 25 days left before we leave,
fund raising efforts are going stronger than ever. We all have sent our letters to friends and family, a
great exercise in humility and faith. As many of us are learning, the life long lessons which come along
with mission work begin long before setting foot in a foreign country. Another great way some of us
have been raising funds is by selling our very own Rock Harbor in South Africa t-shirts. A big thanks
to Paul for making these shirts possible!

Also, our team has been preparing through group training's and social gatherings. A few weeks ago,
Meredith was kind enough and very generous to open her home to all of us for a great get-together.
After some food and catching up we were privileged to have a guest speaker. Jessie, from 31 Bits (a
non-profit based out of Costa Mesa) shared some of her amazing experiences doing holistic
development work in Uganda. What is “holistic development” you ask? Well, in a nutshell, there are
two types of missionary work.

The first is relief work, which is what most people think of first when you bring up mission work.
Relief includes giving out food, clothing, etc. This type of work can be very helpful in emergency
situations, but Jessie gave us lots of examples of how this type of relief can actually be harmful to
communities long term. This is where holistic development, which is what our team will be doing in
South Africa, is different from relief work. Holistic development aids communities in finding long-term
solutions to their individual problems and issues. Think of the “give a man a fish vs. teaching a man to
fish” analogy.

Holistic development is the model that Bridges Of Hope, the organization we are working with in
South Africa follows. Educating and supporting people within the communities we are trying to help
can bring long-term, permanent and positive change, rather than short-term and temporary relief.
Listening to Jessie's stories of how holistic development has changed the lives of so many in Uganda
has given me a refreshed vision of what we can bring to the people of South Africa. Although the tasks
we are physically able to accomplish during our two week visit are somewhat limited, the results of this
type of mission work will last and be remembered long after we have come home. After all, we have
been called to do God's work.

In edition to learning about the work we will be doing we have also been learning about our teammates.
Over the last few months we have been blessed to hear the stories of how God called each of us to
serve in South Africa. Once Jessie finished her presentation, we heard from Jared and Dana about their
journeys with the Lord that led them here. Listening to everyone share their experiences with God's
work in their lives is always exhilarating and inspiring!

This last Friday evening some of us gathered for a bonfire in Huntington Beach, where we roasted
marshmallows and ate s'mores! Unfortunately, not everyone was able to make it (boo work!) but we
still share some fun (and silly) moments, got to do some worship (thanks for bringing your guitar Ray!)
and we heard personal stories from Allie, Matt and Danielle. All in all, it was a really fun night!

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