Monday, August 5, 2013

Church and Prayer Training

Jared here!  

Sorry for the delay in reports but we were all so tired last night!  

Let me start by saying yesterday was one of the most unforgettable days for me.

Due to transport issues the students do not attend a church on Sundays so when teams come we have the privilege of doing church service together.  I had the opportunity to give the message, which was something I had been looking forward to since we got here.  My message was about suffering and how we serve a suffering savior who came to this earth and experienced pain just like us, for us.  I had planned to speak on this topic already but throughout the past week it became apparent how relevant this topic would be as we had a student lose a brother, another an aunt and another share with me about anger and thoughts of suicide.  The topic was relevant and very sensitive and I began to feel that weight.  Before starting the service the team prayed over me for about 10 or 15 minutes and I experienced the Holy Spirit in a way I never had and just started to cry.  We were already behind schedule so I tried to pull myself together and get the service started.  Worship just made me feel more emotional and as I started to speak and explain why I looked like a mess I started crying AGAIN!  You're probably all feeling as awkward reading this as I felt standing up there.  Eventually, we got to the message and the Spirit really moved!  All of the students were so attentive and at the end we had a response time where about 8 students made either first time commitments to follow Jesus or rededicated their lives!  It was AMAZING!

That great morning was followed by an unbelievable afternoon.  We did a two hour prayer training where we walked through the Rock Harbor prayer model and then practically pray for one another.  We talked through the "Why?" and "How?" of prayer and then before starting the practical we did something pretty unconventional for academy programming.  We told the students that this next portion was completely optional and we only wanted students to stay if they were fully committed to confidentiality and really going for it in the practical.  Thus far this has been the only optional class they've had and the room cleared out.  There were about 5 students left and I was left feeling disappointed.  As we began to circle up students started to come back into the room until there were 25 students (half of the student body)!  The culture here is very private and repressed and no one shares about their feelings or likes to show vulnerability.  We took a leap of faith and asked if there was a student that would like to be prayed for as we go through the prayer model.  Silence... awkwardness... more awkwardness... finally, Unathi, a grade 12 volunteered and stepped into the middle.  We explained that this is not practice or just pretend but we are actually praying for Unathi and invited everyone to participate.  As we started to pray it was mostly just our team at first but then a student shared a very powerful picture.  It was tough to see how Unathi was responding to the different pictures, scriptures and words because she was hiding her face so much but then she just started sobbing.  The room completely changed after that.  Most of these students have been through such incredible hardship and have shared how they don't trust anyone to share this stuff with and it was like hearts were getting cracked open and there was a huge release.  We then split up into groups of three where students and team members took turns praying for one another.  One by one they started to receive and then cry.  It was one of the most powerful times of ministry I've ever been a part of and to know how important it is to them to hide their emotions and vulnerability made their reactions that much more significant.  As we concluded there was such a joy and excitement that filled the room!

Sunday concluded our first full week of ministry and we enjoyed dinner with some of the long term missionaries, the Kamalskis and the Babbs.  We also had today off to stop by one of the local game parks to see some animals - it was a much needed day of rest as our team was really run down.  Tonight as we all reflected on the past week we were all struck by the powerful ways we've seen God move, especially through prayer.  Prayer has been such a significant marker for us ever since we all went through prayer training together and has continued to unite us as a team.  I would ask you guys to please pray against spiritual attack and spiritual warfare in the community of Sweet Home and at Bridges.  I've experienced spiritual warfare here unlike anything I've ever felt before and know that there is a battle for this place.  I can see God softening hearts and I just pray that there continues to be an openness to the spirit.  Back in Sweet Home tomorrow!

Thank you for your words of encouragement and for praying for us!  Your comments make our day!  :)

Here is a team pic from a day off!


  1. COME ON! Totally crying reading about the crying!

    Praying for you guys!

    Ps. high life trip to SA?

  2. Just WOW!! I will be praying for Sweet Home and your students!! Thank you all so much for being willing to serve God and minister to such needy hearts!! Prayers for you all and looking forward to hearing more.

    God Bless!!!

  3. Amazing! Thank you for sharing. Love and prayers, The Taylor's (Hi Ellen! xoxo)

  4. Awesome to hear about what is going on. Love the photo. Looks amazing. Continuing to pray that you would be God’s instrument to everyone you meet. You are a Godly witness to everyone in SA but also everyone who is following your trip. Praying for health, wisdom and energy. Danielle – Grandma, Papa and Bob M. (down the street) are all praying for you.
    “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commended you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age”. Matthew 28-19-20 (Isn't it fantastic that God promises to be with us ALWAYS!)

  5. I feel like "wow" is always my first comment, but wow! As you have said since the second team training, you have been a team most definitely marked by prayer! I'm so grateful that you have all been open to that and allowed The Holy Spirit to move uniquely in, not only your time of preparation, but also in the time of ministry. Keep leaning in...we know there is bound to be more in store!

    Praise the Lord for a team day as well! It is good to have a little bit of time to recharge and be ready for another very full week! ♥keira

  6. Former RH SA Team Member Garrick here...Been praying for the team, especially my former mates, Kim and Rachel. So stoked for you to be back there Rachel, and Kim, so excited for you to be continuing the amazing leadership tradition that has gone before you. Wish I was there to give you all my support but instead I'll be sending prayers. I've so enjoyed reading the team blogs...It brings back so many great memories. Praying for the team, the kids, and all that God is doing with this summer's 2013 team, and he is definitely using you all so mightily! I'm reminded of Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Every single moment spent with the kids at Bridges Academy and the kids at sweet home is such a gift...make the most of it...
    P.S. - Rachel, keep 'em laughing in the Red room for me!

  7. SO GOOD! Commmmmmmmmmmmmmmon now!

    Isn't it crazy when we step back and let the Holy Spirit do His thing! REDIC! Seriously was moved by reading this post and how God's getting glory for things only He is capable of! I can't wait to hear more!

    I love how the ROCKHARBOR prayer model is now reaching the far corners of the globe and with it, carrying truth, power, and transformation! When you invite The Spirit to step in, look what He does! From my experience at Bridges, I know how guarded the students can be so to hear a God-sized story like this is incredible! Prayer is POWERFUL! I want to hear more stories of God breaking in, breaking through, The Spirit transforming hearts and writing new stories for people!

    ...OK, over ussage of !'s but in case you can't tell, I'm seriously pumped for what's happening in ZA!!!!!!!

    I'll be praying specifically that the team members be bold, be open to the prompting of The Spirit, and to respond with confidence! You are ambassadors of the King, join in what God's already doing and keep loving those students well!!!

  8. Thank you all for sharing your incredible stories. We have enjoyed reading about all the great things you are doing for the children at Sweet Home. Praying for continued great work and for your safe travel home. Hi Taylor, miss you, love you, from Mom and Dad.

  9. That was an amazing story! God is seriously working in some glorious ways through you all. The story of Unathi boldly stepping out in front of her peers seriously melted my heart!!! I will be praying everyday for God to bind the people of Sweet Home & Bridges together unlike ever before! Stay strong and keep up the great work for Him!

  10. So good, FREAKING good! I'm sitting here in tears, feeling the Spirit radiating through your storytelling....I so respect how you laid it on the line and let the Spirit move you. You guys, reading your stories, seeing how your prayerful posture is breaking down walls and advancing the kingdom is so thrilling, an it's a wonder to behold - even if its just through blog entries :). It may be weird to say that I'm proud of you all, since I only know three of you, but seriously well done team!! I'm sitting here fist pumping like I'm watching my favorite footie team or something! I got chills picturing Unathi being prayed over by everyone - know that a few of us stuff types had been praying for spiritual breakthrough for her - sounds like that began happening :) God is so good, isn't he?? We will continue to pray that your energies and spirits stay lifted, that you continue to join with the Spirit in breaking through strongholds, that attacks of the enemy be kept at bay, and that as week two exhaustion sets in, you are renewed and unified, continually ready to jump in where you see Him stirring :). So stoked for you all....and Kimie and heart overflows with gratitude for the two of you, that He saw fit to throw us together in this for this period of's such an enormous privilege to watch you guys minister and to support you in prayer even if it has to be from all the way over here. My heart is with you.....

    Much love, everyone...& here's a super rad verse I was praying through today as a reminder for hope when I am wiped out:

    Psalm 61:1-3

    Hear my cry, oh God,
    Listen to my prayer;
    From the ends of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint.
    Lead me to the rock that is higher than I,
    For you have been my refuge,
    A strong tower against the enemy.


  11. Thank you for sharing!
    You vulnerability is amazing! God truly handpicked each of you to go on this mission for MANY reasons. Don't lose sight of all the great that is happening.
    I am fervently praying for protection over your hearts and bodies as this week continues on. The spirit of armor is with you ALL.

    AND I am glad to hear you had a day of adventure and semi-rest on Monday.

    Tay, lovins you!

  12. Heck yeah Jared! That's what I'm talking about! You guys are on (Holy Spirit) fire over there! This is just more evidence that prayer is the real deal. I am so encouraged by your posts, I cant say that enough. Praying for you guys.


  13. Jared, I just have a HUGE smile on my face! It is SO cool to see prayer sustaining you there and prayers from before you left being answered in spectacular ways! Will definitely be praying against spiritual warfare...remember to not trust any thought or emotion that strays from the Truth of Christ. Trust in who He says you are and continue to let Him lead through you!

  14. !!!!!!! This really is SO amazing. I love love love hearing all of these stories. So beautiful and encouraging. I cry pretty much every time I read a post. It's getting embarrasing. So thanks for that. :) You are all doing amazing things. Praying for everyone!

    P.S. Linds mentioned a high life trip out there...I will be tagging along for that, juuuusst so you know.

  15. There is something so unique about watching a group of hurting people open up to the Holy Spirit! Its literally like seeing a child born and it puts me on my knees in awe every time.

    We have specific people out here interceding on your guys' behalf for the spiritual warfare you are experiencing. Take strength knowing that there are warriors here on the other side of the world standing on the battle field for you guys! We have your backs so press on guys!

  16. Reading these posts brings tears to my eyes and they are so encouraging! I have been praying for you guys every night, praying that God would give you boldness and courage and that the kids would respond to you and open up! It is amazing to read these posts and know that prayers are being answered for you over there! What an amazing day of prayer!!! I love it! These kids will NEVER be the same and its because you guys were open to Gods will!! Thanks once again for sharing these amazing stories!

  17. God is good! It is so awesome to know that you are being used for His glory. You guys are forever changed. Praying for continued strength and protection over you all this week. "Lord you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will listen to their cries and comfort them. You will bring justice to the orphans and oppressed, so people can no longer terrify them." Psalm 10:16-18

  18. This is just so amazing to read! I am sitting here at my work desk, admist the frustrations and mechanical ways of the corporate world, and it's here that I tend to forget about all the ways our God is moving in this world and how real and constant He is! How He is always working, always loving, always using us some way some how. Reading this at work has just broken my heart anew for the things you are doing over there in South Africa at Bridges and in Sweet Home! Keep the updates coming, keep telling us of the amazing things the spirit is doing through you guys! I can't want to read the next post :)

    P.S. Love you Kim! I'm praying for you guys :)
