Tuesday, August 6, 2013

God Is My Rock

Hi Dear Family and Friends- This is Jan and I am the Senior member of the team by several decades!

We have had another day here to Trust in the Lord and not lean on our own understanding. Some of us went into Sweet Home today (I keep calling it Sweet Water in error due to my incredible ability to mess up words). We met with some of the CHEs and Danielle did a very informational workshop for them on First Aid and CPR. We also had the opportunity to do a home visit and pray for a man raising his four children after the death of his wife.

Our spirits are good and our prayer times together are encouraging. We have found our prayer times to be really moving and we are trusting on the power of the spirit more and more. We have made prayer a even bigger part of what we are doing here and as a result we are praying for students, staff, house parents, each other and anyone that we encounter. The remainder of our team stayed here at Bridges to do some organizing and chores. We had our afternoon workshops with the great Bridges students. Russell led us in line dancing and we all had a blast. The big hit dance was the Wobble and we got everyone up for that! We also had an Art workshop for the students and offered a Spiritual elective for students who wanted to dig deeper with the Rock Harbor prayer model. A couple students showed up for the elective and it was encouraging to see their desire. Even after the elective ended, some students came to Kim and Danielle and asked for more prayer. It is amazing to see their willingness to pray for one another and also receive prayer.

Evening Devotional was taught by Taylor and he did a great job sharing his story with all of the Bridges Kids. God is my Rock was his theme and he was on fire! The students were receptive to what Taylor was speaking about and God's words appeared to resonate in their hearts.

Each day is fast and sometimes the pace is a little furious, but our team holds each other together and the Lord is giving us strength every day. Your prayers and comments mean so much to us.

P.S. I have to wish my sweet daughter Hannah a Happy Birthday! Happy 20th Hannah, I miss you and love you. Have a super great day!!!


  1. Thanks for all the powerful stories of prayer and relationship building. Looking forward to seeing the continued transformation of Sweet Home and the Cape Flats area with Bridges Of Hope. You have all helped move another step forward in a long ongoing process God is taking us all through.

  2. Obviously I love reading the updates, but each photo tells a whole other story & each one is precious! Thanks for allowing those of us on the other side of the world the opportunity to have glimpses of this journey you are on! I'll continue to pray for your continued trust in The Lord! ♥ keira
    P.S. I would also ask that you night be praying for me...I got selected to be on a jury today.

  3. These blog posts have lifted my spirits every day. Even though my days here and the battles I face cannot compare to what is going on with you guys, I have an easier time coping and trusting God after hearing about your VICTORIES!! Your victories in ZA are helping me strive towards mine and encouraging my faith!

  4. Rob and Kim PetersonAugust 6, 2013 at 8:01 PM

    Thank you for more awesome updates! It is so great to hear how God is blessing your prayer times and blessing everyone through your service!! We look forward to hearing more and more stories of victory. Great job, Danielle, on your workshop!!! We miss you and love you, Danielle!! Dustin is going to the Angel game with us tomorrow night (Wednesday night).

    Dad and Mom

  5. Yayy babe, SO proud of you for sharing and leading the kids!

    I agree with what everyone is saying; your posts are lifting me up and helping me with my own walk. THANK you to all of RH ZA group.

    God is SO amazing!!!

  6. It's so great to hear about how powerfully God is moving through you all there! Keep up the good work! Great job with the workshop Danielle! :) Miss you! Praying for you all everyday, and for all the people you encounter. Trust Him to provide everything you need each day for what He has called you to do!

  7. thanks for the updates everyone!! :) continue to keep it up out there and we are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers :)

  8. What an encouragement to read all that the Lord is doing there and how He is using you to love those people. We are praying for all of you because we have a God who is able to do exceeding above what we ask, we are excited to hear more amazing stories.
    We love you so much, SARAH and miss you to the moon!!!

  9. I am awestruck and inspired by your submission God and what he is doing through you all. I'm praying for you regularly and telling people at work (most of whom are not Christians) about what you and God are doing there. From the other side of the world you are glorifying the Lord here in California daily! JAN, I am so proud of you; I miss you so much, and I will be thrilled to see you and hear about your adventures!
