Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The gift that keeps on giving...

When our RockHarbor teams go to Sweet Home, we set some time aside to provide educational classes to the Community Health Evangelists (CHEs) on a variety of topics based on their needs. CHEs teach people about health in their community. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to educate the CHEs in Sweet Home on child development, specifically speech and motor development in children ages birth-5 years. We reviewed developmental milestones for this age group in addition to activities the CHEs can do with the kids and teach the parents/caregivers to help these children develop appropriately. Some of these CHEs work at the daycare in Sweet Home. They asked specific questions about some of the kids they work with and got ideas for how they can help these children learn. It was so rewarding to see how interested the CHEs were in learning more about child development. Their willingness to learn and share with others in their community is wonderful to see. As a speech therapist, I feel God has given me a gift of knowledge for child development as well as a gift for teaching others. I am so thankful to have been given an opportunity to share my knowledge to educators half way around the world. I never imagined I would have had this opportunity to use God’s gifts in such an incredible way. Although, I was nervous about going in to a part of the world I’d never been and teaching a class about development when I had never met a child from here, God really blessed my words and allowed me to speak to the CHEs with confidence. I will be teaching a class about feeding on Thursday so please pray that God will speak his words through me.

Love love love! Allison


  1. The power of the Lord is present. His hand is upon you - the work you are doing with the CHEs and the work the CHEs are doing in the community.

    Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. (Romans 14:19)


  2. So exciting to hear that the team continues to connect and pour into the CHE's in SweetHome! The ministry there is so unique, allows us to share the skills God has given us with the CHE's, who intern, take those skills into their community and use them better than we ever could! What you guys are doing there will continue to develop even after the team leaves!

    Can't wait to hear more stories upon your return! Soak up and take in every last moment of holding the children in SweetHome!


  3. Team,

    What amazing stories from your time in SweetHome. It is a true blessing how God is using the things we learn over in Africa like with the business skills and child development. Who knows how God is going to mulitply these lessons.
    Praying for a strong finish these last few days and a day of rest on Friday. THANK YOU TO EACH ONE OF YOU FOR GIVING 100% TO THE MINISTRY, KIDS,CHES AND TO FOLLOWING GOD"S WAYS!!


  4. It is so awesome to hear how the team has come to love in such a way that there are NO barriers between God's people and thier needs! Everyday we live, we grow, and thereby He is preparing us for something beyond our imagination!

  5. Amazing! God's itinerary for our lives is always so much better than our own.
