Sunday, August 3, 2014

Get out of the boat!

Hey there our faithful followers! Danielle and Allie (the official “weird” picture taking faces team) here again... We have had a busy day wrapping up with the CHEs, leading church, another spiritual retreat session with the students, and lots of prayer. We are all exhausted… so we have unanimously decided to give you all the details of our day tomorrow.  Heads up though: it was a GOOD day!! Tomorrow we have a day of rest, so please pray for filling up and rejuvenation. Also, unfortunately quite a few of us are still struggling through some colds and such! Please, please pray!

Here are a few snapshots...
Our greeter crew :)

Ray leading worship for church.

Jared bringing the Word!
Goodnight "y'all"!!


  1. Sounds like a great day! I know that the Bridges kids cherish the time that they get to have church with the RockHarbor team... You guys are such a blessing to them. From the after school programming, to inviting the kids into leadership at VBS, to prayer ministry, to church today, those kids have, without a doubt, grown in their faith this past week because of you. You are doing great work for the Kingdom! It's evident through your blog posts that the Lord is moving in awesome ways in South Africa because of your faithfulness to His calling and attentiveness to the Holy Spirit. I can't wait to hear more stories when you get home!

    I will be praying that you are all rewarded with rest, rejuvenation, and fun on your day off! May the Lord fill you up and teach you something new about Him as you explore the beautiful country of South Africa.

  2. God works in wondrous ways, and the work he has done through you will continue to grow in the children you have touched. I thank God for all of you and all the love you have shared! God bless you! God bless you Ray! (Ray of sunshine)

  3. I just got caught up on the postings from this weekend & as usual the weekends spent in South Africa are often some of the busiest (and at the same time the most rewarding)! Praying that tomorrow truly is a day of rest & that you are able to both enjoy it and feel rejuvenated (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). ❤ keira

  4. "Be men (and women) of courage; be strong (1 Corinthians 16:13

    I continue to pray for strength for you all. I felt like the last week was a bit like climbing a mountain. I wanted to finish strong:) I pray you will all finish strong and God would give you power equal to your tasks. Relish all that God has for you there in his beautiful place- South Africa. May God continue to bless you all!
    Please tell Nosiyavuya I am praying for her!

  5. Praying for some much needed rest! And that you are able to have fun and keep bonding with the team. ;)
