Thursday, August 7, 2014

Receiving more than we can Give...

Hey Everyone it’s Lindsay…

With our time in ZA coming to an end too quickly, God is using every moment we have to move in great ways.  Lizzie began our day with a morning devotional about the mercy of God.  This verse caught my attention and as usual, it completely applied to the rest of the day.

1 Timothy 1:14
The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Jesus Christ.”

His word, along with a reminder that this same grace extends to the people who have touched our hearts while we’ve been here,  helps to make our impending departure a little more sweet than bitter.

After breakfast and devotion part of the team (Danielle, Jared, Kathleen, Kira, Morgan, Allie, Molly, Ray, Dana, April and I) went to the informal school where Bridges’ CHE’s teach young children who are not able to attend official school.  We got to see a couple of the kids who came to camp at the retreat centre last week, which was a great surprise.  Unfortunately, the state of the single room shed the school is housed in was a sobering, somewhat shocking experience.  The sparse resources the CHE’s have to teach these little kids is heartbreaking.

The mood was definitely happier by the time we left though!  Kathleen continued her counseling training with CHE’s, teaching about how to help people through traumatic experiences with love and compassion.  I continued walking the CHE’s through the beginning of their very own Al- Anon recovery group.  Yesterday, I taught them how Al- Anon is a support group for relatives and friends of problem drinkers.  The desperation for help on the faces of these men and women was obvious.  Addiction is a family disease and it is a problem in almost every home in the townships, but there are zero resources to help these families.  I did what I could to teach them about the 12 Step Program and how to run a successful meeting in the short time we had together.  I wanted to do so much more, but I know that God will help these amazing people once we have gone home.  Having their own Al- Anon meeting in their community is a huge positive step forward, but they will definitely need all the prayers they can get from us, and you!

While we were in Cape Flats (the area of Cape Town where all the townships are) the rest of our team was working with the Academy students to clean up the grounds around the school and the retreat centre.  Thank you to Chalane, Meredith, Paul and the Academy Boys who did the dirty work today!

The Cape Flats team got back just in time for after school programs with the Academy students.  As usual, both the kids and the Rock Harbor team had a blast!  Just before dinner, the team prayed over another senior student to bless his send  off to the next chapter in his life.  After dinner, we blessed another senior with prayer.  These prayer sessions have proven to be amazing experiences for not just the students, but our team as well.

After the students had their study hour, we joined them in evening devotionals.  Ray started us off with some amazing worship songs and then Kathleen shared her amazing story of healing and building faith in God that many of the students could strongly relate to.   We finished with one more worship song, and then Jared spoke a blessing over all of us.  He offered private prayer to any student who needed it, and a few of us had some amazing experiences meeting with the kids in their need for prayer.  Over the last couple of weeks, many of them have really opened their hearts and are learning that prayer is an accessible and real tool to help them work through pain from the past and in the present. 

We ended this blessed and beautiful day in South Africa with the realization that as much as we are giving to the amazing people here, we all will be returning home with so much more…



  1. I just caught up on your last couple days in ZA. Amazing! It brings me to tears to hear how you all are impacting the students and the CHE's. Its amazing to hear how many of the students are opening up to the power of prayer to heal. You are all such a gift to that school! I know how it feels to think that you just don't have enough time to bring them all the love and resources they need! For me this was a huge realization that we are just a tool in God's much bigger plan in South Africa. Know that you are helping renew their faith and changing their lives even in the short amount of time you are there! Praying for your hearts and for more opportunity to connect a pray with each of them in these last few days. Let the students know that Morgan from the January team sends her love! I think about them and pray for them all the time!

  2. K-dawg!! Your 2 favorite glampers here. In honor of you, we decided to eat outside, with a campfire (ignited by gas), surrounded by trees, dirt, and grass, with the sound of annoying crickets, and under 3 somewhat bright stars (which probably was a plane) WISHING WE WERE THERE WITH YOU!!! The trip sounds amazing and we'll be praying for y'all in your last days that you would be filled with joy, revelation, and a passion to educate us "glamping" Americans how to play a part in The Big God Story in ZA. (I had to enlighten LB what ZA stands for)!!! DRLB (we realize our initials represent "Dr. Pound" and wish to be referred to this from henthsforth... Or however you say that!) Ps this is our 8th attempt to post this message on the blog... Which probably means you need to hear it! Love you!!

  3. Sounds like yet another amazing day! I'll be praying for peace and joy as you prepare to say goodbye to these amazing students and this beautiful country tomorrow. Finish strong! Also praying for your long two days of travel ahead. We all can't wait to see you and hear the stories ourselves!

  4. I read this in the daily reading and immediately thought of you guys. Hopefully this is comforting to you. So glad some of you got to go to the informal school. Praying for your final moments there.

    It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building. (‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭7-9‬ NLT)

  5. "Awake, north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread abroad" Song of Songs 4:16

    The garden is His and he is the Great and Divine Gardener. All of you have faithfully planted the seeds and watered them. His fragrance has been spread abroad through you. Rest in his promises as you prepare to come home. He will tend to the garden of hearts that you have touched over the last 2 weeks. Well done Good and Faithful Servants!

  6. I can say it has truly been a blessing to read the blog each day and hear about how much God has worked during this trip. I am left with tears and goosebumps hearing how your teams vulnerability and willingness to share has helped the students open up more and more. (Since breaking those cultural barriers to show weakness can be a struggle) Praying that God would create more opportunities for everyone to connect in these last few days. Love on those students as much as you can!! Tell them that Sarah from last summer's trip prays for them and reads their letters all the time. Finish strong!
