Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to School

As usual, the morning began with a beautiful sunrise as we walked down to the academy classrooms for morning devotionals. Today was the start of our second week of classes here at the Academy. One week ago on our first day of class, students were somewhat shy and quiet, but today was a different story. Over the past week the students have really begun to open up and share their lives with our team. It has been a true blessing to hear each unique story of the students here at the Academy. Nate and Tanya will be sharing their experience from today at the Academy and in Sweet Home.

Today was another day of VBS for us at Sweet Home. We had a team of thirteen people go to Sweet Home which also included a few of the staff members from Bridges. Shaun did a wonderful job leading worship and storytelling. The kids have a great attention span for being as young as they are. Shaun is very good at commanding their attention and it doesn't hurt that the subject matter is awesome (Thank you Jesus!). The story today was that of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. The kids finally got to hear of God's grace and get to see more of the great depth of God's love. It was a bit of a difficult day though, as these kids are displaying more violence towards each other as the days go on. These young children are accustomed to throwing stones and violently attacking each other over the most minor offenses. It is important for us in these times to cling to the beauty in the children, though. Today, I had a bittersweet experience with a few of the children. One of the younger children had a cut on his foot that was bleeding and three of the children came to his aid. Obviously they were not trained to properly care for the wound but they were accustomed to caring for one of their own. Two of the little ones scampered off and brought back pieces of trash. I was unsure of what they were doing and I was cleaning the wound with a wipe, when one of the little ones took a piece of trash and put it against the cut while applying pressure. The other little one took a longer piece of trash and tied it to his foot to continue the pressure. It was so precious to see them take care of each other but devastating to realize how alone these children are. Not only do they not have access to clean first aid materials, they also do not have anyone to "kiss their 'booboos' and make it all better". Sweet Home is just a lot to handle. One verse that has been sticking with me during my Sweet Home time has been Matthew 11:28-29 because the Sweet Home experience can dishearten the strongest person and the only way to triumph for the Lord's kingdom is by finding rest in Him.

Today was a beautiful start to the second week here at the Academy - beautiful to all the senses really.

Sight: Like Ryan said, yet another beautiful sunrise this morning that I know reminds us all of God's mighty hand over us and this place. Also, just to see all of the kids here showing respect to God and the Academy through morning worship and classes throughout the day is a sweet sight.

Hearing: Hearing the amazing things the kids have to say is a blessing and most definitely plays on all of our heartstrings. On a heavier note though, some of what the kids have to say is very saddening and I know weighs on all of our hearts. Today we began our three day "Choose to Wait" series. The series is entitled "Because of His Love" and today we focused on God's Holiness. C2W began today at 4:30p with three worship songs, two of which were led by Jason, and one which was a Lailanie and Shawn duet - "What Do I Know of Holy" by Addison Road (video to come).
Ms. Kacie gave a strong start to the series by hitting on the meaning of Holiness - devoted to Christ and separate from the ways of the world, 1 Peter 1:14-16. Following Kacie's wonderful intro came Parker and Erin's "story" and such a beautiful one at that. They basically explained to the kids the story of how they met, how they committed to each other and to God to remain pure before marriage, and how sweet that has proven to be for them and their marriage, NTM it is what we as Christ-followers are called to do. They also touched on a huge topic floating around the Academy, South Africa, and the entire world for that matter, sex. Parker and Erin introduced the topic of sex very simply but powerfully; which sets up to provide over the next two days a deeper understanding of why God created it, and how it is supposed to be used. Great job P&E!
In our prayer groups following the message, a few questions were posed to the kids. 1. What do you think it means to be holy? To live holy? 2. What does it mean to be separate and devoted? 3. What do you think of marriage? Do you want to get married?. Intense questions no doubt about that. We also asked the kids to share any questions they may not want to say out loud with pen and paper which will be kept confidential and anonymous. Lots of deep questions are already pouring in and will be addressed over the next two days. In a few of our classes today, some of the kids said they have no plans to get married. This is coming from grades 6-12. Definitely some deep hurts here that only Christ can mend. Pray for the spiritual wounds of these children to be healed.

Touch: Metaphorically speaking, seeing God's healing and mighty touch through His people is like moisture soothing dry cracked skin. Through worship, prayer, and fellowship, God is clearly and triumphantly accomplishing His work here at Bridges of Hope.

Smell: Sometimes the smell the kids give off is not the most pleasant, like tonight during homework time, a strange and quite unpleasant odor filled the air. Not to worry, plenty of doors and windows to be opened.

Taste: Again, metaphorically speaking, to taste the sweet words of speaking truth into all of these kids lives is like honey on the tongue.

We thank you for your prayers for our team, and for these incredible kids.

"What Do I Know of Holy" - Addison Road

What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of Holy?


  1. Please tell Erika her family misses her, Loves her, and is excited she will be home soon. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  2. I loved being able to "see" Sweet Home through Tanya's eyes today & it was cool to read Nate's account of the day at the Academy and how it impacts all of your true! Praying strength, good health, wisdom, & patience for you all.

  3. 1 Corinthians 15:35-58. Don't grow weary my brothers and sisters. :) be encouraged. You are vessels and ministers of love.

  4. It is so awesome to hear everyones glad that God is using each one of you for a special purpose. To be able to share and teach on marriage and sex is so important..I pray that their hearts were pierced by the Holy Spirit from that message... God is real and He is moving in South Africa! Hang in there! Psalm 27:14

  5. 1Corinthians 15:58 'Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord". Sharing also the Gaithers favorite- Something Beautiful, /something Good, All my confusion, He understood, All I have to offer Him, Was brokenness and strive, But He made something, beautiful, of my live." May He wipe away your tears and help you see beauty in ashes and sweetness in sorrow. God grant the team new strength for all you have to do.

  6. You guys are doing such an awesome job and using wisely the talents God has given you for the good of His Kingdom.
    Your stories bring tears and joy,often at the same time. You will never know how much you have changed these lives in Africa as well as those of us who read about what you are doing. You have been able to accomplish so much in such a short time.
    May God continue to bless your efforts in the days ahead and bring you safely home.
    Love and miss you Erin and Parker.
    Mom and Dad
