Friday, August 20, 2010

God will always be here...

Today was our last full day here in South Africa...which means this is our last blog post as well :( Tonight we had a cultural night with the students at the Academy where they performed some of their native dances and songs. We also ate some food native to South Africa, which included chicken feet and "ostrich eyes". It was a perfect night of laughter and joy as we close out our time here in South Africa. It's hard to grasp that our time here is actually done. That the two weeks we have prepared for have come and gone in the blink of an eye. Although it will certainly be difficult to leave tomorrow, we have all been filled with countless stories that will reside in our hearts forever. We will carry the names of the students, their smiles, and their stories with us as we return. Our prayer is that as we return, we would share the experiences that we have had here in South Africa. That our stories would inspire others. That they would bring much glory to the name of God. We leave in remembrance of what God has done here in South Africa. We leave in remembrance of what He will continue to do here in South Africa. We thank all of you who have been following the blog and praying for us these past two weeks. The support that you have given has been immeasurable in value.

Jessica here... I am the tail end of this blog, which is being written at the tail end of our trip. Ironic much? My sad attempt at comedy is a ploy to make you think that I am not sad about leaving but it cannot fool you for long. If you were sitting next to me right now, you would see the fog on my glasses, as my eyes hold back tears in order to clearly see the computer screen. We just ended out last debrief and it has me on the edge of heartbreak. I cannot imagine getting on a plane tomorrow and I will not until I have to. God has been so alive to me the past two weeks and I know that feeling won't go away, but being here will. Yes, I have taken pictures and will probably have them posted all over Facebook and my room but it won't be enough. Tonight we had cultural night with the kids, where as Ryan explained above, they danced for us, sang traditional songs, made us traditional food (and yes I did eat a whole chicken foot) and then danced with us to worship songs around the bonfire out in the field. If you could only hear their voices when they praise Jesus' name.... it is like the whisper of God in your ear, it brings a smile to your face and a warmth to your heart that is undescribable. They are so vivacious and spiritual when singing, it encourages you to want to sing and dance, up and down the isles at RockHarbor. It was so amazing to see a different side of their culture, especially through the children we have come to know and love.
If I had to choose one word to describe my experience here in the past two weeks it would be: MOVING. This trip has touched all of us here so deeply. God has rooted a unity and passion in our team and we have become the body of Christ together, here in South Africa. We have seen God move immensly in the children here too. They all have gone through some of the hardest things anyone can ever go through in their life. They have been abandoned, hurt, broken and devestated by disease, and through it all they have come out strong. They have such hard exteriors, which is compleatly understandable for what they have experienced, but to have them open us to us while we are hear and to have them tell us that they see God in us and that they thank Him for brining us here, is something that will forever stay in our hearts. God is so evident in their lives through the way they love and have faith. We praise the name of our Father God, Abba, and thank Him for everything we have gotten to do here, while serving Him in South Africa. We would not be here if not for the blood He shed on the cross for us and we are so very thankful. Especially thankful for the opprotunity to have come here. Thank you for following along on the blog and for all the prayers and support you have given. Please continue to pray for Bridges of Hope and the students and staff. Pray that as we leave tomorrow, that everyone here will be comfoted by the fact that, even though WE may be leaving, God is not and He is always here. Please also pray for the staff and that the kids will be open to them once we leave. They work so hard here and are doing it all for the glory of the kingdom.
Again, thank you for following along and we all will see you soon!
Jess, Ryan and the RockHarbor Team :)


  1. Love you all. Thanks for your sharing how God worked and used each of you for His purpose!

  2. I know the transition phase and I know it's a tough one. I pray for all the things you asked above as well as your heart break to be softened by His comfort. Hope you all have a safe trip back.
