Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 3:

Hey guys,

Today was yet another day of learning, hearing and experiencing God in new ways. One group stayed back at the Academy today and taught classes and spent time with the kids from Bridges.They taught everything from math, to prayer, to Shakespeare. (Such a diverse group, right?)

Here is a short blurb from Miranda about an ongoing conversation she's had with one of the Bridges students:

"Last night I had a conversation with 9th grade student about prayer; he said he didn't believe that people should pray for one another but only for themselves. I referenced the bible and stated the Lord asks us to pray for one another and that it's pleasing to God. He then stands up, walks to another table, grabs a bible and comes back with it. Pointing to the bible he says, "Show me." Another team member & I looked up verses on prayer and continued to discuss the topic, not really having convinced him that God wants us to pray for one another. This was my motivation for teaching my 3 classes on prayer today. His class was my first and he sat front row in the center. The first verse I asked the class to look up was referencing God's greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-39)- that we should love the Lord our God with all our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves. We discussed prayer using the acronym A.C.T.S (Application, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) including the concept if we love our neighbors as ourselves, we should pray for them. I was grateful that he was engaged in the conversation and I pray that God continues to work on his heart. It was encouraging for me to know that at least he is getting this information and knows our team from Rock Harbor comes here to speak truth and to love."

Then another group was sent out to serve at the first day of VBS in Sweet Home. A huge praise to God, it ran so much smoother than we expected. Today's lesson and all the activities centered around Creation/Adam and Eve/Sin.

We also got an opportunity to go with the CHE's to go on house visits. It was absolutely devestating to be in those run down little cardboard-and-tin shacks, and to see how these folks live day to day. Completely overwhelming. We had a chance to pray over them, which was a blessing despite how difficult it was.

For me personally, experiencing Sweet Home was just frustrating. On one hand, praying for the broken in Sweet Home was disappointing. I just wanted to badly to see God work and perform a miracle in that little run down town. It got discouraging to think of the ways that the early church saw miracles and healings happen regularly, and yet here we are praying our hearts out and... nothing. There is such a weight and heaviness in this town. In addition, the level of injustice that surrounded us, combined with children in absolute poverty was more than I could bear. I kept asking God why these sweet, innocent little children had to live in these conditions, where their parents were and why nobody was caring for them, or loving them like they deserved. It was such a challenge. None the less, I definitely felt God's presence surround me and comfort me and remind me that He is good. I will continue to pray for miracles and wonderful signs, but it was a good reminder that God's goodness is not dependant on the way He "performs" for us, or the things He does.

Tonight, the Bridges kids put on a cultural evening for us to experience some real South African traditions. The food was great, and the most interesting part was that we got to try eating chicken feet. Yes. Chicken feet.

We also ate Ostritch Eyes... but apparently this turned out to be nothing more than a joke. (They really just gave us lychee.)

The kids performed some songs, dance and skits for us. They are so wonderful and talented.

Another praise, Kristy seems to be feeling better today. Praise God!

Please continue to pray for us.


  1. (Jesus prayed for Peter) I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. Luke 22:32

    Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16

    But I tell you who hear Me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Luke 6:28

  2. Nice story about the young man with a question regarding prayer. You probably offered him 1 Tim. 2:1.(But I just can't resist suggesting it.) I've enjoyed reading your entire blog.
