Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 4: Chugging right along.

This trip has truly been a blast. Yesterday (Day 4) we did the same things as Day 3. We split up into two groups; one going to Sweet Home for VBS, the other staying back at Bridges to teach classes and spend time with the students.

Sweet Home is always a difficult place to be. The whole place is just cardboard and tin shacks built on a pile of dirt and trash. Stray dogs line the streets. People essentially go to the bathroom wherever they please. There's nothing quite so awkward as trying to teach a lesson on Noah, only to have a student stand up, turn around, and go to the bathroom against the wall right in front of you.

However, God has personally blessed me with a nice turn around from my emotions yesterday. Whereas I was frustrated and angry yesterday, God totally replaced it with hope and joy today. During one of our house visits we stopped by an old woman's house who was suffering from HIV. She told us about how much pain she is, and the weakness she is experiencing, and asked us to pray for her.

We finished praying and went and stood against a wall without saying anything. My heart sunk as I began to feel the same frustration I felt yesterday. I started feeling a conflicting vibe of "Ask one of the CHEs to ask this woman if she felt anything while we prayed" and "Don't ask that, that would be stupid... and then if the woman didn't feel anything you'd feel like an idiot."

But the urge to ask got greater, so I did. The CHE asked the woman and with tears in her eyes the woman looked up and started to say "Yes! I feel like stones that were on my back have been lifted. I haven't felt this refreshed and energized in years!" And then she proceeded to dance. There is no way to know if she was fully healed today, but something in my heart tells me God removed the HIV from her. Lets continue to hope.

Here are two stories from guest bloggers, Deb and Mitch:

"Today I was spontaneously asked to lead the senior bible study. As I walked in, I prayed God would show me what he wanted me to say. Since being here I've been overwhelmed with the desire to show these kids that God has an amazing plan and purpose for thier lives. So, I taught on what God has been revealing to me over the past few days. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecreatd you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations...for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliever you, declares the Lord" Jeremiah 1:5,7,8. The kids eyes widened as I explained that before they were born God knew who they were, what they would be like, there is an incredible plan for each one their lives and that through it all God would never leave them.

After reading the passage the room was silent, so I suggested they all pray out loud what God was revealing to them. Their prayers brought me to tears as they said things like "Dear God, thank you for knowing me in my mother's womb and for having a plan for my life" "God, help me to stand up for my faith when I go home on the weekends and to boldly speak to my friends about you" "Dear God, I'm so thankful for my life and for the plan you have for me, please reveal it to me so I can live the life you want me to live." Tears filled all of our eyes as we finished praying. There was such a sweet spirit in the room no one could speak. We all sat there, starring at each other and smiling. We finished the hour with all of them telling me their dreams for thier lives and what they want to be: Politician, lawyer, nurse, teachers, social worker, and a hair stylist. I cannot begin to explain the look on their faces and the overwhelming joy in my heart. There sat before me our future, kids who had come from nothing, with no hope of a future who finally understood that God has a plan for each one of them and now they are so excited to live it. This is why we are here." -Deb

"[The Power of Children]
There I was, 5:30 in the morning, mind racing with the thoughts of children licking glass and stinky diapers; wondering what my day at Sweet Home would be like. If it were to be anything like the stories I had heard the night before, I was going to be in for a heart-wrenching experience. Thankfully, my day in one of the many impoverished townships here in South Africa turned out to be something all-together different.
"Hey Mitch....why don't you play some rugby with the boys." Sounded harmless enough, especially when rugby consisted of tossing a nerf football around a circle of shoe-less 8 year-old boys. As we began playing, children started appearing from the neighborhood and joined the game. What started out as a group of 7, quickly swelled to 15. Even though we were surrounded by utter destitution, the shear joy these kids were sharing with me was astounding. I was blinded by their energy and passion for just being I joined the party. I did not see the heap of trash being picked at by the dog and goose odd couple...nor did I smell the stinking "sewer" and outhouses; all I saw was beautiful smiling faces and all I heard was laughter.
"How about three flies up?" Michael (my RockHarbor teammate) grabbed the ball and the lead the charge. The rag tag group of kids burst into excitement over a game they had never played, let alone even heard of. All Michael and I could do was laugh as we began heaving the ball into the air and watching the kids dive to make catches in the rocky, glass riddled sand. Of course this kind of fun was infectious and Michael and I found ourselves surrounded by 30+ children, all itching (literally and figuratively) to join in the hilarity. Whenever a child made a catch, they got to throw the football until it was caught by another child. Naturally, some were better than others, but the joy was equally shared.
In between tosses, I remember stopping and taking a look at the sight that Michael and I had created. Shoe-less, clothe-less, empty-bellied, and unbelievably happy children were scurrying about all around us. We were their instruments of joy, their jungle gyms of delight and I was stunned at what was taking place in front of me. Was it something that we did or were they showing us how South Africa always does it? Unfortunately, it was days end, and Michael and I were being called back to help pack up cars with our gear and leave. Michael and I slowly made our way back, hugging and high-fiving the kids, in no rush to leave. Just before I made it into the building, some little guy jumped in front of me and tried to rip the football out of my hands. Of course I took the opportunity to play with just one more kid before I had to leave. Mistake???....You tell me. The next thing I knew, I had two children hanging onto my legs, one climbing up my chest and another spider monkey crawling up my back; all stretching their arms out to reach the football I had in my one free, raised arm. I was unaware of the power of children as 10 more came flying out of the bushes and soon enough, I lay face down in the sand, smothered by 30 giggling children. There was no escape and I had no choice but to cry uncle and be rescued by my teammates.
I went to Sweet Home worried about the sorrow I would see and I left energized and filled with Hope. It was my job to bring Hope and Love to the kids and yet, they ended up working in me. I have always underestimated the power of children, but the kids of Sweet Home have shown me otherwise. Their jubilation in the face of poverty and heart-ache is truly inspiring and I only hope I can bring back just a little of that positive outlook. South Africa is truly an amazing place and it's people are astonishingly beautiful. Thank God for bringing me here and allowing me to play a tiny role in the lives of these people." -Mitch

Thanks for reading, everyone! Continue to pray for us, please. Also, feel free to leave comments. Comments and affirmations left for the team will be shared during our debrief time.


  1. I have been beginning my mornings and ending my nights reading these updates and they have truly been a blessing to me. It seems to be such a common story of those on mission that they go to serve and minister and end up being served and ministered to by the love of the people they've gone to embrace. If it's true that when we serve others we truly serve Christ then I don't think we could expect any less. Reading the stories of how God is simultaneously transforming the team and those you've gone to serve is truly a testament to the presence and work of the Holy Spirit among you. May you and the people of South Africa be radically and unmistakeably changed for the sake of God's glory. May you partake in God as He moves in miraculous ways ... Most of all the miracle of His love. May you go forth as inheritors of God's Kingdom and may your prayers bring His Heavenly Kingdom to Earth (particularly to a little township of South Africa and the hearts of its people.). I'm praying for your well-being and safety in every sense and am super excited to see what God is going to do next among you.

    - David

    P.S. Not sure if I'm allowed to include a personal note ;^), but Erika, you look beautiful in those pictures. I'm praying for you, thinking about you and way too excited for you, your team and what God is doing where you are!

  2. It has been such a joy to read your blogs each day. It brings tears to my eyes to read the stories of children in such destitution and know that this is the only life they might have ever known. God bless you for bringing the light of his word and the promise of a hope in Him. Please, share specific prayer requests if you can (like when Kristy was sick). I have committed to pray for you each day and it is really cool when the prayers are more specific. :)
    Donna R

  3. I am so thankful that God gave people the talent and knowledge to create this way of communicating - since I have not been called to go on these kind of mission trips yet.... I have truely enjoyed being updated and praying along with your requests. Thank you for your service to these new friends in Africa. May I make a personal note of Happy Birthday to my son Jonathan who is on that mission with you. We love you and we are so blessed to see the Lord working in your life. What an awesome way to spend your 21st birthday...serving! May Gods grace reign down on you all! Love because of Christ, Debra Reyes ( mom )

  4. Sweet Home Team,

    We are truly touched by your accounts thus far.
    As one might imagine, the rewards in your journey reach out to all who are involved, including your parents and friends who take pride in your endeavors.

    To our son, Mitch, we send our best and all of our love.

    We pray for all of you daily. Keep the Faith

    Ken & Connie Sandifer
    Erin & James Masters

  5. What an amazing story about the woman with AIDS. God truly work's in mysterious way's and it is quite evident that he is there in South Africa with you all and guiding you guys while you bring hope and happiness to so many people out there in that region. It take's a special person to be a mission teammember and one of my very close friend's Lailanie Cruz has been one for as long as I can remember and I can only imagine how special of a group you must have out there if there if even one other person is like her and Im sure you all are like her and have her dedication and desire to help those in need and that's what make's you guys so incredibly special. I commend all of you on the work you are doing and just know that you have someone who is praying for your safety throughout your journey and also asking for prayer that the people whose lives you are touching will benefit from your trip and be forever changed as much as they can in the region of the world that they live. It sounds like there are so many incredible people who live out there and need help so what you guys are doing and what all mission groups do around the world is so amazing!

    God Bless you all and I will keep you all in my prayers!

    Kent Montgomery

  6. Ah ah ah!!! This is so exciting to read.

    Erika, I miss you like crazy. So good to hear that you are doing what God is leading you in. Keep it goin' :)

    I will keep praying that God will fill you and your team with His Spirit a ridiculous amount and that you'll do nothing apart from Him.

    I will also keep praying that the people that you are ministering to will truly experience the love that comes from Christ. SUCH A PERFECT LOVE. YEAH!

    2 Corinthians 1:3-4

    love love love.

    -Hannah Tyer
