Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 6: Our day off.

Today was the team's free day. We woke up bright and early, and were out of the house by 6 a.m. to avoid traffic. We got to take a boat out to Robben Island, where we got a bus tour and a tour of the maximum security prison where Nelson Mandella was held. Sadly, it was pouring rain and we all got soaked. (I guess we should all pray that none of us catch a cold.) Then we had lunch with some of the CHE's from Sweet Home. Afterward, we had a little bit of time left to walk around Cape Town and look around some of the shops. This country is really so lovely.

This evening when we got home we had dinner with the students from the Academy again, and watched the modern version of Romeo & Juliet (the one with DiCaprio in it.) Because, apparently, they are studying Shakespeare. They seemed to really enjoy it.

Looking forward to tomorrow!


  1. I hope on your end, the comments are coming thru. I suspect many are being sent and received. Somehow they never show on my end that there are any, in fact they always say "O" comments. I have sent several and attempted many more but they dont always take. Clearly God doesnt want ALL my comments sent, thats ok, I will talk with HIM about that later. The water works are doing great on this end. Perhaps you can get Kleenex to sponser some of the trip cause they have to be racking up more then ever before. I hope each and everyone of you can look in the mirror, and see THE MIRACLE that South Africa has! Remember what lyes before and after us is just a small part of what lyes within us...and the trivia for today is: Who wrote that and how is it correctly written? First one to get it right wins a chicken foot dinner at my house! Brownies included! Sleep well! NITE NITE!

  2. Hi everybody!!!
    Thank you so much for all of the work that you are doing. It is amazing to hear the stories and feel your hearts pour into this community. Thank you for bringing love, faith, hope, and happiness to these people. Spreading God's words and doing this work is truly making a difference in their lives! We are all praying for you:)

    I just want to let you know how much you are loved and supported. Although we miss you, we know that you are doing great things. We are all very proud of you.
    I can't wait to have conversations about what you are doing!! I love you so much.
    <3 L

    I hope this works..

  3. I've been watching the weather in Cape Town, it seems cold. Not really like the heat we are having. Its August YAY! You will all be coming home soon and thats good. I sent an invitation to my friend to follow your blog (she helped with finances for the trip), I got an email from her suggesting I should have warned her, she was sitting at her desk crying. We all need to be aware of our blessing. How else do we inspire others? Hopefully your hearts are full and you backs are warm. You all are Loved and Missed even if you dont get messages from home, your absence here shows, so keep up the good work and carry on! Toot toot its Saturday! I have noticed that your follower list is continuing to grow, not sure if you know that. Maybe its stockers? This is the internet and you just never know. Be good, have fun, and know we wait for your return! It cant come soon enough. xoxo

  4. Wow! What an amazing time you all must be having! I look forward to reading the blogs everyday and know and see how God is so amazing and it gives me a sense of peace to imagine where you guys are! God is so faithful and his unfailing love endures forever! I pray for you guys everyday! Tell my sis Kristy that I hope she is feeling better!! I pray that the Lord continues to give you His stength and that he will show you his path for you to follow!

  5. Thank you for allowing those of us back at home to experience the journey with you guys. I love reading your updates. It is so encouraging to hear all the remarkable things that God is doing with and through you guys and how you are transforming the lives of those in the community. Many Blessings!

    p.s Jon R (your lifegroup is thinking of you often and praying for you) =)

  6. Even though you haven't seen any comments....please know that we are reading the blog & LOVING every tidbit you are sharing! Wish I could be there with you all! Someone be sure to give Siphelo a hard time for me when you play soccer with the kids! :) keira
