Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Generally Ordinary Day Becomes Extraordinary

Saturdays here at the Academy are not generally filled with 20 people from America running games like three different variations of dodgeball, five different groups of jump roping, more dodgeball, crafts, basketball court games & five on five matches, more games and much laughter, not only from the Academy students but also from the Rock Harbor team! In short, Bridges Academy allows Rock Harbor teams to take over a good portion of the weekend for the students not only to allow the RH team to minister to the kids through fun and games but also to give the Bridges staff a bit of a rest. It is our joy to step in with a whole heart in this way because the staff here need rest from their "work" just as you and I need rest from our work. The students are happy to step away from the peers they see everyday in order to engage with the RH team and other visiting teams alike. Pray that the students would not only show cooperation and respect to the short-term teams who come to visit, but also to their teachers and peers who they see and interact with on a daily basis.

With all numbers and games aside, everyone took a break from activities today around midday to continue a "talk" that the students have been having with two of the resident staff, Wade & Tara, husband and wife. Wade has been meeting with the boys and Tara with the girls to discuss a very serious topic and a topic which has been and is currently affecting the lives of many students here at the Academy. The topic of discussion is that of sexual sin and lust. For boys, questions like, "How are things like sexual thoughts and addictions dealt with on a daily basis, in a Biblical manner? What does it mean to respect a girl and her body?" And for girls, "How does the way you act and dress affect those around you? How might you cause a boy to stumble?" The discussion with both groups is very open and raw and who better to lead it than a married couple whose relationship is firmly planted in the root of God's tender love and mercy, and today, with the help of the RH team. Pray that God would use Wade & Tara's boldness to influence the students here in radical ways.

The day came to a close with the traditional Rock Harbor girls & guys night. This is generally a more passive time where the RH men can simply spend time with the boys of the Academy and the RH women can simply spend time with the girls of the Academy. A beautiful time to connect and shine the light of Christ to the kids. Pray that the RH team would continue to connect with the Bridges students, not for our glory but for the Lord's.

Congratulations to those on the RH team who participated in an early morning 5K run with a handful of the students this morning in a nearby town. Such a unique way to build relationships with some of the students, showing them that we are all one, on the same path, at the same time, in the same country. That we all have two lungs and a beating heart. That we all have been uniquely made, with some of us going slower, some going faster, some of us seeing what another does not, some of us hurting our knees or having to walk... "For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all." Ephesians 4:4-6

We thank you all dearly for your comments and prayers and we ask that you would keep them coming!! Please continue specifically praying Ephesians 1-4 over our team and the remainder of our time here.

I would like to personally thank those who commented with birthday, thank you! Though I love everything about sharing this day with the students, RH team, and South Africa, I am very much looking forward to celebrating with friends and family upon return.

Finally, as you can now read, a generally ordinary day for us all, team and students alike...became extraordinary.


  1. It's fantastic to hear how wonderful the day turned out. I hope that everyone is feeling better. It's hard to be away from home and feel hopefully all is stronger! As this trip is now on a count down...for departure, I hope everyone has a sense of pride for all the good being done. I can't imagine the wonder and joy those kids put in your heart. Prayers continue!!!! Thank you for all the Grace you've shown and the gifts you've shared. Sue

  2. I think my mom comments more than me.

    That being said, keep in mind that you have one week left til you're home. It could be easy to get bummed out, knowing how much you want to do with such little time left.

    Instead, let this week become a source of inspiration for how God may be calling you to continue ministering once you get back home. Are you being called to sponsor one of these kids? Write letters regularly? Maybe God is opening up your heart to the foster care system, or kids in general? Maybe you're realizing what a passion you have for serving the poor? Using your gifts in business to help others? What part of this trip gives life to your soul, and how can you continue to foster that back in the states?

    Love and more love.

  3. I am assuming Ryan ran the 5k and then took it one step further and swam with the great whites and biked up Table Mountain because the triathlete within him just couldn't settle for less. That's just so Ryan.

    Happy late-ish birthday to you, Nate. I couldn't figure out when to say it, being that Africa time confuses me terribly.

    I love catching glimpses of this trip each day. I had the unique opportunity to spend time praying with Matt, Kristy, and Erika this morning and was overwhelmed with the way in which I adore when community loves on each other. I pray that you all, as a community that is grounded in Africa right now, will find strength in calling on one another. I pray that you are vulnerable with one another and that you are all overwhelmed with the power of prayer and praying for one another.

    Lai, Kim, and Em... I can't forget to say hi to you! Kim, I hope Cobra isn't tormenting you in your sleep like he did me. If he does, feel free to use the same broom I threw him off the bed with (someone please clarify this story so that I don't sound like a cat abuser). Em, I hope it is easier keeping track of which number Emily you are this year. And Lai, I search the plains of America day and night looking for your elderly twins on the sands of the Californian beaches. I miss you!

    Let this last week be an adventure. Allow your hearts and minds to live in the freedom and joy that God created for each of you! Live it up! God created fun and craziness, so enjoy it and live it!

    -Emily Payan

  4. Wow! a week has already gone by and you are on to the second week with the kiddos. I just want to say hi to you all and let you know that PowerHouse is praying for you all. I would like to say a special hello to Emily, Kim, Ryan, Garrick, Nate whom I am so jealous of because you got to spend your birthday in Africa again. Did they soak you with water as it is their birthday celebration tradition? also hello, hello to Lailanie. The children sends you huges and kisses.It has been a true thrill to read about the different adventures that the Lord has tooking you all on as I read my eyes fill with tear, my heart with joy, and my mind with memories. The girls night was by far one of them that I love replaying in my mind singing, dancing, acting out songs, and so much more girls rock! I also reflect on the many stories I am sure the students are sharing with you all as well. Its awesome that Lailanie, Nate, Emily, Kim, and Ryan are able to return and continue relationships with the students and develop new relationships too. I have to say that I am so encouraged by all of you for you hard work, love for others and your prayer for the students and staff. I will be praying for you all as it is week two and satan is going to be at work trying to destory what the Lord has done and will be doing.I will also keep the staff and teams in prayer as the topics and conversations become more challenging. Stay focus on the Lord you guys are great!! Lailanie I hope that you got to see ya baby girl Cino. Please give all the kiddos at the school and township my love. Prayer Works!!

  5. CCCC-Kitchen Staff is praying for you!

  6. What an extraordinary day indeed. Girl's and guy's night is a personal fav. or mine. :)

    Our continuous prayers are on you team. I read this verse in my Bible study and thought I'd share. It's a good reminder for us all.

    "Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men." Titus 3:11-2

    Praying for you Emily, Kim, Lailanie, and Nate. :)

    Praying for you all team. Finish strong!

  7. Hi, It sounds like it's been an amazing week. It's hard to believe you'll all be home in a week. Thank you for the courage to break down the barriers and taboos on topics such as HIV/AIDS. I pray that your conversations with the students continue to go well. These are sensitive discussions and I'm sure very personal issues will surface for the students. I pray they will listen and learn within the context of God's love. I pray for everyone health and safety. Kim's mom
