Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rachel here...

Rachel here. The trip has been incredible so far, so many memories have been made and lives are being changed. Yesterday we went into Sweet Home and spent another day with the kids. These kids have truly stolen my heart. It continues to amaze me that even though there is a language barrier we are able to love and spend a day full of joy together. It was also our last day of VBS, and even though it was chaotic, with kids of every age running in and out, God was there. We made salvation bracelets with the kids and the CHEs and I truly believe that some of the kids invited Christ into their lives. I feel so blessed and honored to be apart of God's greater plan. Continue to pray for Sweet Home and the children there.

Once back at the academy we had a little time and then half of the team headed off to Spur, with some of the 8th grade girls who were able to go as a treat for good behavior/good grades. The experience was so fun. The night was full of laughter, dancing in the aisles with the waiters, and taking silly pictures. These students have become friends, and I love spending time with them.

Thank you for all your prayers! They truly mean a lot!


  1. Love hearing what God is doing, His love transcends all language and culture! Glad to hear that the tie dye went on yesterday! Woot! Praying for eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to open!


  2. Love the updates of how God is at work in and through you all! How are the team members who have been sick? Praying daily for complete restoration and empowerment! Good thing the blanket of pray can reach to the other side of the world! March on soldiers!

  3. "Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see." -C. S. Lewis

    Praying that you all see the miracles taking place around you!

  4. hi kimie, thinking of you and the team as you all continue to love these beautiful children at the academy and sweet home. praying that His love and peace to will continue to guide each of you this week.

    love you lots kimie! :)


  5. Praying for the team this week! Much Love- Kat and Chad (Kim's sister)
