Sunday, January 16, 2011

Andrew Here,

Today was the beginning of our 2nd week in South Africa, a week in which we will be working with Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and the sweet-home township. Today began a 3 day camp with the OVC's and many of us saw first hand the hardship these children face and the desire they have for love and attention. For me, it was pretty cool to see the kids light up when you would smile at them or enjoy playing soccer or basketball for an entire afternoon. But was really struck me was how simple things can make one of these kids be happy. I was hanging out in the shed where many of them were playing when I took out a basketball pump to pump up a few of the flat soccer and basketballs. The kids were in such awe of the pump that they began bringing me any flat sports ball they could find. I started allowing the kids to pump up the balls themselves and they just loved it. Who knew a simple basic thing as a basketball pump would bring such fun and joy to their lives.

One thing that has be so evident to me on this trip is the power of prayer. From praying before classes in hope that they will run smoothly to prayers of peace and sleep, God is working in mighty ways in South Africa and I am truly blessed to be a part of His work through this amazing team.

P.S.... GO JETS!!!!!


Thank you all for your continued prayers! I can't express what a HUGE difference they've made! My time here has changed so dramatically since my last post! The next day took a huge upswing which has not wavered since! I'll be happy to fill in all the details of the last few days later, but for now just a quick update on today. The arrival of the OVC kids today was eventful to say the least. One of my new favorite memories of the trip will now be the continuous replay of Edward (I believe a few of you know him) running full speed across the conference room and headbutting an unsuspecting Siobahnne in the behind! Claire and I lost it...classic! We let the kids have a free play time and they loved it! I'm excited to see what the next few days will bring!

...oh and a little shout out for Nicole...something about Seahawks :)

Night Everyone!


Siobahnne here.

I'm not sure whether or not to be happy that a lasting memory for most of my teammate will be little Edward, running full speed, head-butting me straight on my tail bone. I was literally in shock as the pain hit, and it hurt to sit afterward!

Let's just chalk that up to taking one for the team, because I'll admit I laughed so hard my stomach hurt.

As stated above, today was our first day of three with the OVC kids. I have to say, I think it's a blessing to have them here at Bridges for the three days rather than trying to run this out of Sweethome. They seem so happy here and so excited to be in a different environment. From the minute they got here it has been sweet chaos.

We started with lunch, then went straight into passing out t-shirts and bracelets, and then I got to start us out with the first episode of The Big God Story. Discussion time was a little interesting, but we're hoping the kids are starting to catch on. The cool part was that they all got to decorate a little draw string bag to take home and they decorated them with scenes from the story today. We saw bags covered in rainbows, creation and Adam and Eve. One of the older boys even recreated one of the pictures we showed on his bag. Such talented kids!

After that, it was just a fun free for all. We played soccer, volleyball, jumped on the trampoline, got dance lessons from a 6 year old (she has serious moves) and essentially just played with the kids doing whatever they wanted. These kids just really wanted our love and attention.

We got high-fives, big hugs, and huge smiles all day long. Everyone learned from my bruised tailbone how to avoid the Edward Head-butting experience, and Edward has actually really done well.

We had an amazing dinner and then watched The Incredibles before working with the CHEs to get the kids to bed. The other ladies and I all went to the girls rooms and got our good nights from the kids and even good night kisses from one particularly precocious little one named Akhona.

Prayer Requests:

...Keep those anti-spider/anti-bug prayers coming please!!!

...Pray for these kiddos. It's so easy to forget where they come from when we remove them from the Sweethome setting, but I had an amazing and long talk with Sisanda today about the conditions over there and why so many kids weren't here for the camp. These kids need God in their lives and people who can act as the body of Christ for them. For at least these few days we can be that body, but I also ask for prayer for others to step into that place after we are gone.

...Pray for these kid's futures. The good news about an OVC program being established in Sweethome is that soon Sweethome kids will be eligible to possibly attend Bridges! Some of the older boys are actually in a school already and we just pray that they stick with it.

...Pray for the team. Some members aren't used to kids this young, and the language and cultural barriers occasionally make things difficult. We pray for patience and love in all circumstances. As always, we could use more rest and prayers for continued health as well.

...***We also have a special prayer request from the church we attended this morning. A older woman, named Diana, from Diep River has been suffering from Cancer. She has more that 6 tumors on her spine alone and many others as well. Tomorrow she fly's to California for prayer before heading to some kind of Christian Cancer treatment center in Mexico to receive more medical treatment and prayer. Tomorrow they are asking folks to fast and prayer. It can be a part of the day or all day, just lift this woman high and pray for healing.

You have all been so wonderfully supportive and we very much appreciate all the prayer and love.

And just in case you're wondering, my tail bone stopped hurting enough that I can sit =p. Definitely feel bruised though. Totally worth it to see his continually smiling face though. Love these kids.


  1. I was so excited to catch up on the last couple of blog posts. I can't thank you enough for sharing so honestly & openly with all of us! Please know that even thought there have been a lack of posts by myself, I have most definitely been praying for you! I absolutely thought of all of you & the kids when i was at church last night (in Phoenix) where we sang..."my God is mighty to save" a song that I remember being one of the students' favorites at the Academy. I pray that this coming week is richly blessed. Stay strong in the LORD! love & prayers...keira. P.S. Jennifer...I'm so proud of you; you are most definitely not on ya!!!

  2. Siobahnne, I am so glad that you are able to sit. I can just picture little Edward head-butting you. It is amazing how much energy the little ones have. Too bad we don't retain all that energy as we get older.

    Enjoy the OVC. I know they will be safe and bask in all the love you have to give them while they are at the academy.
    "Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me." Mark 9:37

    Tanya, we can't wait to hear all about the giant white spider that you and Wood killed. Glad I didn't hear about it till after the fact. We know you are going to have some incredible stories to tell us when you get home. Just one more week. We miss you so much, but we know that God is working and will continue to do great things over this next week.
    One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts. Ps. 145:4
    We are continually praying for all of you and all that God is doing. All our love, Mom & Dad

  3. Ahhh, the full speed running headbutt…classic Edward move, haha! Glad to know that he is still the same old Edward, haha.

    Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and experiences over the past week. It brings a tremendous amount of joy to all of us back home to hear of your stories. You are all on our thoughts and prayers continuously. I pray that God would continue to stretch you and guide you over the next week. Keep up the good work :)


    PS, Claire, I hope your little personal fan has brought you nothing less than exceptional cooling through the warm South African nights, haha.

  4. I read a verse the other day and it made me think of the kids in Sweet Home. After reading these great blog posts of your experiences, it reminded me that I needed to share the verse w/ you all:

    "And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward." -Matthew 10:42

    The commentary in my Bible for this verse says "How much we love God can be measured by how well we treat others. Jesus' example of giving a cup of cold water to a thirsty child is a good model of unselfish service. A child usually can't or won't return a favor. Is there something unselfish that you can do for someone else today?"

    You all will no doubt have many opportunities over these next few days to "give cups of water" to these OVC kids. Know that God sees all the love that you're pouring out on these kids! Keep up the great work, even if that means taking the occasional Eddie headbutt :) We are all praying for you guys!

  5. That is so neat to hear that Sweethome kids are actually at Bridges! And I echo Ryan's sentiments about the "classic Edward move," haha, I can just picture it, and although I am sorry for the pain it caused Siobahnne, I couldn't help but chuckle!
    Many prayers for you guys, and continued health and endurance! hoping that this next week will be fulfilling, and that the connections you made the first week will reap even more fruit this week!
    It is good to catch up up the blogs from he past few days, and please do let us know how Apiwhe and Nothi are doing! Wood, that was a great story.
    I am hoping that each and everyone of you can rest well (with no spider-bug visitors!) and the you would continue to walk in confidence as ambassadors for Christ to all the Bridges Kids, Staff, and even to each other. Looking forward to tomorrows blog!

  6. Good Morning Africa!!! I look so forward to reading all of your stories. WOW, in less then a week you will be home. I hope you all got some rest and we continue to pray for many lives to be changed. I pray that God is do amazing things in your life as well. Keep up the good work. I try to imagine the children and you all playing with them and telling them about God. I hope you have lots of pictures. Thank you for doing the work of the Lord. We love you. Nicole, I am sure you probably know...the Seahawks lost. Iam so excited to hear your voice. May God be with you all. Nicole's Mom

  7. hey team, it is Monday evening here, so it must be Tuesday morning there. Hope all is well, didnt hear from ya today. You all must be very busy. I just want you to know we continue to lift you in prayer. It won't be long until you are headed home. iam sure you have mixed feelings as much expected. You all are loved and I wish I could meet you all, you are a blessing in my eyes.
    Nicole, sweetie, I miss you so much and wish I could be there to hug you when you get off the plane. We all are praying for ya. God Bless. All Our Love, Mom & Dad. Dad says hi, says he would write but I do a great job of it ..?? LOL

  8. Hi team, I am just echoing Cheryl's thoughts. It's Monday evening and no word form anyone. Just wanted to let you know we are praying for all of you. You are all constantly in our prayers. I hope all is well with you and all the children. Can't wait till you get home on Sun. In the meantime I am looking forward to reading your next blog.
    Tanya, we miss you and love you so much. Sio, I hope your tail bone is better. Give each other a hug for us. We'll see you on Sun.
    Love you, Mom & Dad

  9. Good Morning Africa team. Hope all is well with you all. We have been spoiled...getting to hear from you everyday. Havent heard from you in 2 days. Praying that everything is ok. Iam sure you are busy. I just wanted to let you know we think of you and continue to pray for strength and God's protection. God Bless, Cheryl
