Wednesday, January 12, 2011

WOW, where to begin?! It is only day 3 and I have been touched in so many ways! There is no better way to start your day then hearing the love for God through the vocals of these children. We were blessed by their voices in leading us in worship free style! We had Azile on the drums as Paula, Phumzile and Thandazwa lead the group in singing "Open the Eyes of my Heart Lord"! It was one of the most moving moments I have had, seeing how much love and joy these children have for God with their smiling faces, hands lifted high and their feet a dancing has touched my heart forever! You can see them pour their hearts out to the lord and praising him for his love which is the most remarkable experiences I had! Worshiping is one of my favorite times with God and to be able to share this remarkable experience with these children and my teammates is a Gift!! It has been a joy playing, laughing, worshiping, praying and just being presence for them! I can not wait to see what else God has planned for us!!! We miss you all and are so thankful for all your prayers and support!

PS - Thank You God for a Seahawk Victory!! Wow that was a miracle! ; )



Sorry this is going to be a short post because I'm exhausted and have had a rough day, so words are not coming easily. Don't get me wrong, I'm having an AMAZING time, but the fight is definitely on! I'm struggling with building relationships with the students, but am hopeful for a different tomorrow! Our team is such a blessing and grows together everyday! Thanks for all your prayers!



Siobahnne here.

As the Ladies mentioned, our team has been under going a lot of spiritual attack today. It's been a rough day for many of the team members and we could really use prayer for it.

I have to say though, being a part of this as everyone is pulling together to support one another and bind the enemy from us has to be one of the best experiences I've had so far. Our group has really bonded together in this. There's been a lot of individual prayer as well as group prayer and we've really lifted each other up. It's so encouraging to know that we're fighting for each other here, and that so many of you are praying for us as well!

Classes have been tough and these kids could use a lot of prayer. We're continuing to try to build relationship with them, but it's been tough. Some of the kids seem really withdrawn, they are falling asleep in classes or getting frustrated with the classes. Pray that God gives them restful sleep and works in their hearts. The team needs divine strength, and these kids need prayer to soften their hearts.

We are loving it here. We are stepping into what God has called us for. At this point Satan is attacking us with petty vengeance and he must be stopped.

Please pray we continue to recognize the attacks for what they are, and that we take it very seriously from the start. Don't let the devil undermine us.

Pray that we continue to pull together as a team in the face of adversity.

Pray that minds, ears, eyes and hearts are open Lord. If we must be satisfied with never knowing if we made a difference here, please put a peace upon our hearts.

It's getting closer and closer to the end of the week, and our hearts break a little that the kids will be going home for the weekend before they return Monday. Please pray for safety and rest.

It's so comfort to know that there is an army of Saints praying for us back home. We love you all.


  1. Your honesty is appreciated and really helps guide me in how to better be lifting all of you up in prayer. Remember to lean into Christ as you go about your day. I still have the same scripture on my heart for the team...James 1:2-6. love & prayers....keira

  2. It's been such a joy the last three days to come in after I put the kids on the bus, and race back to my computer to check for updates from all of Keira said, your honesty is so appreciated...we will be diligent and specific as we lift you guys before the Lord this evening...and we look forward to hearing how He moves tomorrow...adversity and struggle makes the end result (which will be divinely GOOD) so much sweeter...and, as you contend/fight together, as a team, you will grow so much closer to one another and the Lord...

    We love you, we're with you in spirit, and keep fighting the good fight!!

    "The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." Isa 58:11

    Lots of love,
    Emily :)

  3. PRAYERS ARE GOING TO AFRICA...nonstop. God is more powerful then the evil one and God WILL overcome. Trust and you will receive. We are diligently praying daily, hourly for the team and the children. God is shining through you and beleive it...those children see your "light" and know in their heart, they want what you have. Keep up the good work!

    Nicole, My wonderful daughter that Iam so proud of, OMGoodness, you have no idea (well you probably do) what it did to me when I received your email. WOW, you made my day..I cried, I was and still am so excited...I carry it around with me and share with others. Iam so thankful to hear your encouraging words. Sounds like you are upbeat (that doesnt surprise me) and having wonderful experiences. Iam sure the children LOVE you, Sweetie, we love you sooo much. Please know that i think about you every minute of the day. I can' wait to hear your stories and what God has done in your life. Sending all our love, Mom & Dad

  4. This comment is directed toward Heather, although we may not be all that familiar with one another...

    My heart was tremendously broken after reading your comment. Building relationships the first few days were a thorn in my side last August when I was in South Africa... in the same place you are in right now. I stood around watching everyone recite the student's names with their eyes closed and I felt like I had somehow failed when it came to knowing them. I pray that when you feel unwilling or unworthy or incapable or defeated or broken or lost or unimportant, that you will hear God whisper to you. That you will hear Him tell you that you ARE worthy. You always have been. He entrusted you to carry His name and He hand picked you in order for your life to scream out with His goodness and grace. I pray that you are new when you wake up tomorrow morning. You are wonderful, Heather, and I pray that you are willing to let people see that and feel that and take part in that. Don't let these tough days paralyze you. God prefers you. God will show you rain and lights and loud clashes of cymbals simply because He is willing to go to the ends of the earth to do so—to find you; to win you over.

    Sorry this was so long winded... I just love the kids you are with in Africa right now and know that it can be so, so tough in the beginning. Shout loudly for Jesus over there, my friends. Dance every opportunity you get and keep on smiling. Smiles have no language barrier, so I learned. =)

    -Emily Payan

  5. You gotta love worship w/ the students there; it really doesn't get any better than that!

    To offer a word of encouragement, even when it may seem like the students aren't listening, you'd be surprised how much they're actually paying attention to and soaking up. Keep pressing on & know that God has called each one of you there for very specific reasons & that He's using you to help shape the future leaders of South Africa!

    May your sleep be restful tonight and may you awaken tomorrow refreshed, filled up, & ready for a new day! Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you.

    -Kristy & Matt

  6. If God is for us who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all-how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died-more than that, who was raised to life-is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Rom. 8:31-34
    It is good to know that you have so many people at home praying for you, but how much greater is the knowledge that Jesus Christ Himself is interceding for you. When you are feeling discouraged and overwhelmed just remember how great our God is. These are His children and I know that even when they are being difficult they are watching you and they see Jesus in you. We pray that when you wake you will be refreshed and strengthened and that God will be glorified in each one of your lives today.

    Love & prayers, John & Pam

    PS Tanya and Sio give each other a hug for us. We miss you and your smiley faces so much.

  7. There is definitely a sense of heaviness in your words today, which leads you to seek God even more is what I pray. Because you don't have "typical" things there for Satan to attack you with, attack will come in very unexpected ways, that will stem from feelings more often than not. It's very difficult not to rely on feelings to make decisions and judgments and assessments of the day, but I also pray that each of you would not rely on what you feel, but what you know instead. Not what you feel about or from God, but what you know about Him, that ultimately His love covers you, safe and sound. If it seems as though the kids aren't listening or are uninterested in class, speak and teach like they are, because they really are listening. Get rest this weekend!!

  8. Good Morning Africa! Just want to wish you all a wonderful day. :) You all are a blessing and everyday God is doing new things in your life and the childrens life. THANK YOU team for making a difference in this world.
    Nicole, all is well in Washington, we have snow but it is suppose to warm up in the 40's Yipp pee! I have been watching ya's weather in Africa...sounds amazing, WARM! Tommorrow we pick up Allison & Owen, Travis & Erika leave for Hawaii. Looking forward to it but with a 1 year old and 4 year old, well lets just say i will get my work out! LOL Everyone here says hello, we love you and miss your smile.
    Once again, can't wait to hear your voice. All My Love, Mom

  9. 2 Cor. 4:7-10 says, "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body."

    When I read today's blog, I thought of this scripture. The word that stood out to me was hard pressed. What's interesting is that although it says, "hard pressed on every side," it also says right after it, "but not crushed." That is the truth. Satan wants to try and crush your spirit and let your feelings and frustrations carry you far from the good work you are doing. Every big and small thing you are doing at the Academy is important. Never doubt that. Yes, I'll echo what everyone else said. Those kids are paying attention especially when you start to share anything personal about yourself.

    I am so encouraged by the fact that you are praying for each other both individually and as a team. May God continue to strengthen and unify all of you through this time of prayer. Thank you for being honest on the blog, so we can join with you in praying for specific things.


  10. PS: now that you have a little down time, pics on blog, friends (or is it not possible)?? we're dying to see you and the kids!!! but no pressure ;)
