Thursday, January 13, 2011

Things in South Africa are never what they seem to be...the first couple of days were HARD but God has been so good and provided me (and the team) with the strength to get through the days. The past two days have been so great and full of blessings! One of the many little "nuggets of God's goodness" I experienced was the other night when I slept in one of the girls' rooms. As all girls do we were up chatting for a while but these girls love to sing before they fall asleep and I was not going to stop them! These girls have the MOST amazing voices and to hear them signing in Xhosa as I fell asleep was one of the best gifts I could have received! BY far the good times have far outweighed the stressful times experienced thus far. Thanks for all the comments and prayers -- they are a HUGE blessing! And I've got to add this one...Go Patriots..beat those Jets!!! Blessings and Love, Claire


Wow, I can't even believe we are here in South Africa, let alone it being our fourth day here. There have been some challenges, and times where I don't feel effective. Through it all God has been so faithful and amazing. God has brought us closer as a team and given us even more love for these kids. There are some amazing kids here, full of joy, compassion and an incredible knowledge of God and the bible. Today we got to swim with the kids and it was just down right fun. They also did a talent show tonight and I couldn't believe these kids. Talent oozes from their pores. My favorite was the native dances and singing, seriously they sound like angels. I am so thankful and feel so privileged to be here and serving with an amazing team and phenomenal kids. Oh and did I mention it is hot, beautiful and I got a little bit of a tan. Man now you're all going to think I am on vacation! So on that note, miss you Kameron and Harley and love too Mom and thanks to everyone praying.


Siobahnne here.

There's a natural rhythm to South Africa. Laid back, but strong. It feels like the heart beat of creation. Today was a good day, and I feel many of us really found and rested in that rhythm.

Today was the day of the Talent Show. Something the kids went crazy for! I was smartly informed by the 11th grade class that reading a book was not considered an acceptable talent for the Talent Show (these kids have me pegged already!). I was able to barter with Azile a little. I would sing, but only if she would accompany me with voice and drum.

We sat outside before dinner today, and we sang Cannons together and for a few moments everything stopped. The world was still. And then our voices faded with the ending of the song and it was as though all of creation applauded. The wind started blowing, the trees swayed back and forth, the animals raised their voices. It was an incredible moment from God.

These kids are seriously talented and they blessed us in abundance tonight in song and dance. It was beautiful, and I couldn't keep the grin off my face as I watched them shine. Such beauty and joy should be protected.

Today was a much better day for us. Classes were blessed and prayer was the foundation of everything we did today. It's hard to believe the week is almost over.

Prayer requests:

...The kids leave to go home for the weekend tomorrow afternoon. Please pray for safety and smart choices. Already some of the kids are indicating that when they go home they will not be making the best of choices and of course we want what's best for them.

...Like most kids middle school and high school age, there can be a lot of negativity among peers. We are blessed to have Sinethemba here as a mediator between the team and the kids. He really called the kids out tonight on the way they put each other down and hurt each other. Pray for them in this. It's so easy to be mean to one another, and often so much harder to continually love one another. Help them love and lift up, not hate and tear down.

...Continue to pray for our team. Tomorrow is a new day and anything can happen. His mercies are new every morning, but it's also another day within which the devil may find a foothold. Keep us strong against the enemy Lord.

...Pray for rest this weekend for us. We get a slight reprieve before the OVC camp begins and we could really use it. The guys are beginning to catch Wood's cold and I know many of us girls are just tired from constantly being on the go.

...Please pray that the Spiders continue to stay away. Laugh all you want... but it's important to us.

We love you all so much. South Africa is winning pieces of our hearts and it's a blessing to be able to share this with you. Please keep praying, and know that we are praying for you also. Your efforts and support mean so much to us here.

God bless you all!


  1. Its crazy how one day can be so great and the next day can feel like nothing is going right. I remember my break down was on Thursday the first week of being there. God took me by the hand and the next day was so blessed being able to do something as simple as playing with magnets on a cookie sheet with an older boy named Sive in Sweet Home. God has a great sense of humor sometimes. I am glad that today was a great day for you guys. May the Lord bless your classes and the hearts of everything and everyone you all touch. May he make you all Fishermen of Man and bring honor to his name.

  2. Hey team:

    I read an awesome quote today from Martin Luther: "Beautiful music is the art of prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul"...

    how true, right? south africa has seen her share of deep "agitations of the soul", thus the incredible musicality and rhythms that ooze from her in response and healing...and it sounds like you are all experiencing that blessed calm....each of our kids in their own way have suffered such pain, and their expressions of music and worship stand in direct opposition....and such beauty and joy should be protected, just as you so eloquently wrote, Sio. So, know that you have communed deeply with the heart and soul of ZA through music and dance, and REMEMBER, REMEMBER, REMEMBER what God does in you through it...

    Your words and news are such a joy to us, friends...we love you and are continuing to pray for you.

  3. I am sitting at my desk at ROCKHarbor as I read this and am trying to hold back the tears! ha!

    Your posts instantly bring certain faces of the kids to mind and I can't stop smiling. Yes, kids are mean and it is far easier to put each other down than build each other up. Continue to talk through making good choices and what it means to be a good friend. Thank you for diligently modeling Christlike behavior within the group and towards the kids. Remember, they are always watching.
    I came across this in my reading last night and it struck a chord with me:
    Romans 8:16-17
    The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

    You are His beloved sons and daughters and he is smiling down on you from above. Thank you for doing His work in South Africa. Keep praying and leading the kids. Amen!

  4. Talent show! Singing, "Cannons" outside! Ah! I'm so jealous right now. Maybe you shouldn't post everything in the blog. Just kidding. Please do. :)

    Your prayer requests for today are right on. These kids have had their lives filled with so much pain. Pain that is so overwhelming to comprehend and for kids so young to experience. You do wish you could do everything in your power to protect their beauty and joy. It's hard to send them home knowing what they are going back to, and so, we do what we can for them. We pray. We pray that God protects them with a strength that far outweighs our own, and we pray that His words would call out to them in the midst of the darkness.

    Finally, I've been waiting until Claire posts something to say this, but I think you are all wicked awesome, and I hope you have a wicked good time this weekend with the CHE's. :)

    My prayers and love are with you,

  5. Praise God, sounds like you all had a better day. What an awesome God we have. We continue to pray for the children as they go home for the weekend, that God pours his protection upon them. You all must be so proud of what you are doing in these childrens lives.I remember being in Africa doing missionary work and I felt SO close to the Lord. Iam jealous cuz I know you all are experiencing that feeling, but am so happy for you all.
    Nicole, Mom here, I can picture you with the kids and when I do I get a big smile on my face. Take time for yourself and listen to God. Relax if you can. Let your light shine. We miss you sweetie, you have no idea how much we miss you. God Bless, Mom PS I have been praying hard for the spiders to stay AWAY! Are my prayers being answered?

  6. Coley, this is your Dad, just want you to know we are thinking about you and praying for you and the team. Your Mom makes sure we pray for NO SPIDERS! She had many experiences with them on our trips so we know! Iam so proud of you Coley, I cant wait to hear what God has done in your life and the children. Seahawks play Sunday so we will keep you posted. Go Seahawks! I LOVE YOU COLEY!

  7. I can't tell you how much your post mean. I eagerly wait for each days posting. Today was wonderful to read. I am glad it was such a great day. That is what we have all been praying for. That you would be able to reach these very special, wounded children. Their talent sounds amazing.
    Sio, thank you for the prayer request. You are doing such a great job keeping us informed. You are all being bathed in prayer and it is such a privilege to do so.
    Tanya, we miss you so much. Coalby wanders around the house looking for you. I hope you are staying healthy and strong. Can't wait till you are back home again. We love you so much, Mom & Dad

  8. GOOD MORNING AFRICA! Wishing you all a beautiful day. You all are AMAZING! May God give you peace today. You all are in our thoughts and prayers every day. God Bless.
    PS Give Nicole a big hug for me :)

  9. (whoops...posted this on day before yesterday's comments so reposting today...)

    PS: now that you have a little down time, how about some pics on blog, friends (or is it not possible)?? we're dying to see you and the kids!!! but no pressure ;)
