Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jared here:

What a different week this was. For me, this week made last week feel like a breeze. This week was the start of the OVC (Orphans and Vulnerable Children) camp. Middle school is already a difficult age for me but throw in a language barrier and I'm like a fish out of water.

In sports, there's many different kinds of defensive schemes. On the first day it felt like we were playing defense against a bunch of 6-12 year olds on Red Bull that couldn't understand us. I was tasked with playing man-on-man with Edward. Covering Eddie is like trying to cover Michael Vick. He would literally sprint across the soccer field (me chasing him) only to sit in the goal and then sprint back. He jumped on, under, and around the trampoline. Once, he literally slapped me across the face. Admittedly, the first day was tough and I was thinking, "I just have to get through a couple days of this."

I shared this with the team and my struggle to connect with the kids and really feel a compassion and love for them. That night our Bridges Graduate/11th team member/BMOC, Sinethemba shared about his experience in the OVC program and how it changed his life. Hearing his stories about how that camp changed him after losing his mother and looking at the incredible guy he'd become really changed my heart. I realized that these kids weren't looking for anything more than to be loved. Eddie ran because he wanted attention.

The next day, after Eddie slapped me across the face, I put him on a "time in" and just held him next to me. Time in is supposed to be 5 minutes but I decided I'd just keep him there as long as I could (too much running). He just sat there so content, quiet and peaceful for over 30 minutes. This was definitely one of the highlights of the whole trip for me and really showed me how important it was that we just showed God's love.

Eddie and I got on the same page and he was definitely one of my favorites, despite the physical abuse he handed me. I had an incredible time with these kids and really grew to love them. The most touching moment of our time with them is actually a story Wood shared. Wood went to pray with the boys before going to bed and one of the kids prayed something along the lines of, "Thank you, God for the best day ever. A day I've never had and a day I'll never forget." I just felt so grateful to God that he used us to love on these kids.

Another highlight was this cute little girl, Akhona, who was a tiny bundle of joy. I sprained my foot and she saw me icing it a few times and while we were all sitting she came over and kissed my foot! I tried to stop her, but she grabbed my leg and kissed it. So sweet. I paid the penalty for letting her kiss my foot when she grabbed me and kissed me goodbye later.

Okay on to today... sorry this is so long. We had a very productive day in Sweet Home meeting with the CHE women of the sewing business. I think our team that was tasked with working with them had pretty low expectations for the day and felt a little defeated before even starting but God still used us anyways. We came up with a list of things that needed to be done and the ladies assigned themselves the tasks with deadlines. They decided that they were going to focus on making bags and that the name of their brand would be "Ilitha le-Sweet Home", which means "Light of Sweet Home". The cool thing about it was this was the first name they thought of (within 10 seconds) and they chose it because they want the business to bring hope to their community and help the people around them. It was so encouraging to see their bold vision for their business and the excitement to get started.

What an amazing trip this has been so far. I haven't felt so close to God in a long time. So grateful that God has let me play a part here.



The last few days have been incredible as well as exhausting. We had 2 and 1/2 days of camp with the OVC kids. At first is was difficult because these kids are use to doing what ever they want and we had to real them in. The first day and 1/2 I made a couple of enemies with the discipline I handed down. One little girl name Soso, was so mad at me she glared at me for hours, but by the end of the couple days she was in my lap and hugging on me. Another boy by the name of Sive was none to happy with me either. He did not like the time outs he got from me, but today we went to Sweet Home and Sive came running after us and gave me the longest hug, it brought tears to my eyes. I am so thankful to God for these kids, but also his little gifts to me, letting me know what I am doing is not in vain.

Today we met with the women from the sewing business. We had done some brain storming before, but weren't really sure what we were walking into. It was so great to see the women excited, and already thinking on the same wave length as we were. I love the name they came up with and am excited to see where God takes it.

We as a team have grown close and learned to lean on each other and all around enjoy each other. This is an amazing group of people, with incredible hearts for God and I am blessed to be serving with them.

Off topic, but of concern, I pray that my kids made it back safely from Idaho. If there is anyway someone could let me know, it would help put my mind at ease. Also Kam and Harley don't forget me Sunday.


Siobahnne here.

We had our first real experience in Sweethome today though this was actually our second time there. Most of us weren't sure what to expect, and there were varying degrees of panic and peace about the whole situation.

We picked up Sisanda and headed to Sweethome. We first met with the women for the sewing business, and then the team working with them stayed there while the rest of us headed over to the Creche. The Creche is essentially a preschool. The minute we walked over we were enveloped by tiny arms demanding hugs and smiles. So many little children just wanted attention and love. We hit a point where most of us sat down because standing up we could only hold one or two at most, but sitting down the kids could just pile one us and cuddle close. It was both a day of heartbreak and hope.

A highlight from Sweethome was definitely seeing some of the kids from our OVC camp so soon after they went home. We saw Soso, Sive, Joel and Eddie and I think it really made our day today.

Later this night we also surprised the Academy with a visit before bedtime! It was so great to see the Academy kids! We haven't had as much time as we wish we could (aka: most of the day, every day, forever...), so it was awesome to see them and hug them and ask how school was going so far. There is so much love at the Academy... so much God in that place. It's incredible. We are all looking forward to getting to spend more time with them over the next three days.

Tomorrow we have our last day at Sweethome and then two more days to visit with the Academy kids before we leave on Saturday. These weeks has gone by far too quickly.

Prayer Requests:

...Jared's ankle could still use some prayer (Though praise report! Steph's is A LOT better and she thanks you for the prayer). Also, I messed up my finger a bit on my left hand somehow and it was a problem today working with the kids. It's beginning to feel better but pray tomorrow it isn't of any hindrance. It broke my heart to stop picking up kids today to hold them because it hurt too much.

...Keep those anti-spider/anti-bug prayers coming!

...Pray for healing... some of us are just a tad bit sunburned. Some of us who are especially pale may have fried more than others. We're spending so much time out in this hot African sun that even the sunblock can't always save us. Also, pray for health. Allergies and colds have been trying to fight there way into us.

...Pray for a good day tomorrow in Sweethome working with the Informal School and the kiddos. Also pray for good quality time with the Academy kids.

Thanks again for all your love and prayers!


  1. Thank you for your awesome stories. Praise you all for being there with these precious children. Thank you for not giving up and letting God take control. Isnt God just amazing!! We continue to pray for those spiders to stay away...hope our prayers are working. We continue to pray for changed lives. Nicole, sweetie, I am sure you are getting tired of me saying this but shucks...I miss you so much. I will be so happy when you land in LA. It is so awesome to hear you talk in your emails, I can tell God has touched your heart along with the others. God Bless you all, Cheryl

  2. It's awesome to see how God is using all of you in most unexpected ways! You guys are awesome!!! You have had a lot of curve balls thrown at you and you just keep rolling along! I'm so glad that you have had Sinethemba as an honorary team member with you...what an amazing testimony!

    Jared & Jennifer...I loved reading how God used the OVC kids to touch your hearts just as I am sure he used all of you to touch theirs. Thank you for loving them...even in the tough times!
    Praying that tomorrow is another productive day in Sweet Home for you and that you have some good quality time with the Academy kids as well!
    love & prayers...:) keira
    P.S. Wood & Claire...can you send the leadership team an e-mail we want to make sure that we have everything in order for your return.....thanks!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing! It was so fun to see the pictures and to hear about the Sweet Home kids! I love the "time in" strategy! Good call! :) I definitely feel for you, Jared, with the games. Those Sweet Home kids play rough!!! And Jennifer, I loved your story about Soso. She's stolen my heart for the last 2 years. I think it is funny that Sive and Soso gave you a hard time since they're brother and sister. It must be in their blood. ;)

    We are so excited to hear from you. We are praying for rest and strength. We are also praying that you would be able to soak up every last second that you're there.

    This verse keeps coming up and I feel like it is for all of you...
    "Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait on Him!" Isaiah 30:18

  4. It is so evident that God is doing an awesome work in the lives of the children and in all of your lives. I love the idea of the time in instead of time out. They will always remember the love you are showing them. God is changing their lives and using you all as His instruments. What an honor and privilege to be used by God in such a powerful way.
    I am praying that God will keep you all healthy and give you the energy to finish the week to His glory. What a privilege it is to be lifting you all in prayer.
    Sio, I am praying for your finger. We have learned over this last year how painful a finger can be.
    Tanya, I went to Costco today and everyone asked about you. I told them you were coming home on Sun. I can hardly wait. I miss you so much. Dad says to give you his love. He is working around the clock and is worn out. We love you, Mom & Dad

  5. I read this verse and thought it would be a great verse to have in mind as you go about Saturday. Love you guys! Praying for you and everyone there.

    "O Lord, the king rejoices in your strength. How great is His joy and the victories you give! You have granted him the desire of his heart and have not withheld the request of his lips." Psalm 21_1-2
