Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nicole signing in...today was our last day with the OVC kids here at camp and it broke my heart to see them drive away! Its amazing how attached you become to these vulnerable children in less than 3 days. They all have so much love for life and endless amounts of energy! My heart pours out for them as they just cling to you with so much love and joy! Although there is a language barrier they are drawn to the love and attention we are able to give them. It makes my day to see their faces light up just from a simple smile. I caught myself asking Why..Why do these innocent children have to suffer from neglect. I can not even imagine what they have gone through, more than what I have ever gone through or might never see in my life time. God has sent us here for a reason to give them love, hope and faith.

I have had numerous highlights with the OVC kids within the last few days but that means I will be at this computer for the next 3 hours so here are a few for now! =) We started the day off with Story telling on Gods Big Story and at the end we wrapped up with a few questions to the kids. One of the questions was "How do you feel that God sent his one and only son to die on the cross for our sins?" One of the boys, Masixole's response brought me to tears of joy as he replied "thankful, he wants to give himself to God and to live for him. He is anxious and at ease that God will come again to save us!" The chills ran through my body as I could feel the presence of the lord with us in that moment.

Another blessing today was during a moment of prayer. To hear the children pray in Xhosa their tribal language is incredible. Once again our little 6 year old diva, Akhona lead the group in prayer in Xhosa. Although the team and I have no idea what they are praying for, you can feel the passion and love through their voices. After one of the prayers a translator approached us and informed us that the kids always end their prayers with thanking God for sending us teachers to them and pray for our protection. These children are used to having nothing and are so appreciative of just the comfort and love we can give! It breaks my heart but God has a plan.

Thanks again for all your continued thoughts and prayers. We miss you all!
Love Always, Nicole


Another beautiful day in South Africa...today was the first day of school for the Academy students and what an awesome answer to prayer the first day turned out to be! Transition from summer break in the townships to life at the Academy can be a challenge for many of the students and it was one of my hopes that by having the Leadership Camp for the Academy students a week before the school year started that the transition to life back at the Academy would be less stressful for the teachers and staff. Meeting with one of the Academy teachers this afternoon confirmed that our hard work during the Leadership Camp paid off! The teachers couldn't have asked for a better first day! What a praise!

I am thankful for the time spent with the kids from Sweet Home. The transformation we witnessed through the love poured out on these kids could only come from God. These kids pushed the limits of our patience on the first day of camp but we decided, as a team, that we would discipline their acting out by a "time-in", instead of a "time-out". Time-in consisted of taking the child out of the activity and holding them for 3-5 minutes. It is amazing just how powerful a hug can be and each team member experienced this first-hand. So thankful for the opportunity to love on these children and hopeful for their future knowing that God has them in the palm of His hands!!!

Thanks for all the comments and prayers! Team is healthy, encouraged and unified!

Blessings and Love, Claire :)


Siobahnne here.

As you can see it's been an eventful couple of days with the OVC kids. I apologize for no post last night, but just as we were beginning to talk about Blog updates the power went out and there went our plans!

The hills were literally on fire last night! There was a heavy wildfire close to (but not that close) the academy. Luckily, it never made its way over here, even with the heavy winds.

Please pray:

...For those affected by the fires and the people involved with putting it out.

...For the OVC kids. We will see them again tomorrow when we begin our Sweethome visits, but we are praying now for a safe and happy return home and for love for these amazing kids. Pray the Holy Spirit is with them and protecting them, as well as guiding them. May God send others to be his hands and feet when we are no longer here to hold them.

...Pray for the team! This week is flying by and I know we're all praying time will slow down a little. We could use prayer for rest. Also, keep those anti-bug/anti-spider prayers coming!

...Pray for the Academy kids! So far so good! We are truly thankful for the beginnings of a smooth transition and that the kids returned safely. We got to see them today and it was incredible! Pray for a good school year, that the handle the changes well, and that God works in their hearts to help them grow into the amazing adults we know they can be!

Thank you all so much for praying and supporting us!

1 comment:

  1. oh man, guys....such good reading! And, I'm in tears at the whole "time-in" thing - well done, you guys...I'm a behavior "specialist" as some of you know, and to think that you all have just reminded me of the power of responding appropriately with love and affection to "negative" behavior (which is really just attention seeking, ie: a need to be loved!) is completely awesome...God's even working in me through you!!!

    It's so amazing to hear the transformation that is going on in all of you as you write, to hear just a bit of the journey that each of your hearts are taking....God never fails to grow us so significantly when we step out, risk, and follow his direction and leading into serving and loving one another. Love (both as an action and emotion) is truly transformative, is it not?

    We love you and are continuing to pray for you...can't wait to hear about your Sweet Home days!!!

    Lots of love....:) Em
